Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Walk To....and Work

  While reading up on todays Fact, I decided that it was just so much better to have you read it for yourself: :(Has anyone actually done this??) : :  I couldn't paragraph it or line it up better because I stole it off the internet...JSYK (just so u know)(duh)

Fact Of The Day:   Noodling is fishing for catfish using only bare hands, practiced primarily in the southern United      States. Many other names, such as catfisting,grabblinggravelinghoggingdogginggurglingtickling and stumping, are used in different regions for the same activity. Noodling is currently legal in eleven of the fifty United States.[1]Most noodlers have spotters who help them bring the catfish in, either to shore or to their boat. When a catfish bites onto a noodler, it holds on for quite a while.
With some of the biggest fish caught weighing in at up to 50-60 pounds, very few noodlers are strong enough to attempt noodling by themselves.  
                 Noodling...noodling...tickling..stumping? SERIOUSLY. I met a SUPER nice couple today at work who were from Oklahoma. He was a 'roofer' who told his wife every year to pick a place and he would take her there. They've been ALL over the world and now were in Cayman. He told me that "Noodling" is one of his favorite pastimes. Being from NY I had NO idea what he was talking he told me all about it. Im not judging because honestly if I actually saw someone stick their hand into the water and come out with a big-ass fish, Id be SUPER impressed. (And tell him to do it again so I could take a picture of it!)

(Ok Obv I stole this from the web but you have to see how its done to understand the 'sport')

       Today I was scheduled at night. THANK goodness because I couldn't deal with another yesterday. Not yet anyway - and nights are CONSIDERABLY slower than days. (I actually only had 5 tables from 3-9) But since I didn't have to go in at 10am (and could leave my things on the bar where I could see them) I was able to bring my camera and documented my walk to work everyday...
              This is 'Dixie Cemetery'. I've always said that I want to be cremated but with a view like this....

(Many Islands bury their dead higher above ground because they are too close to the sea-level)

Then there is just some really beautiful scenery breaks .....

(Dad, bet you wish that was your boat ramp!!)

(There are about five different kinds of blue making up this ocean)(Seriously you can count them)

(Even a nasty shattered hut looks beautiful with that kind of backyard)

The Best Snorkeling Place in the Area........
(YUP...people will TELL you to go behind Burger King to find the best part of the reef)
(I tried to think of a clever joke here but I couldn't...)

(Did I mention that there was also GREEN in this water....)

(Yes that is my umbrella)

                                                                    The Fish Market
(That is a HUGE ASS FISH. There called Tarpin.)

(The guy in the tree is STRAIGHT CHILLIN') (that means he's relaxing.)

(Its ok all you animal lovers, there just sleeeeeeeeping)

(So are these ones...and the one he putting in the bag just got adopted! Yay!)

(I tried to show how big they really were but I couldn't. Should have drawn a picture...dammit!)

(  )

And then I got to work..and just took some shots during the silence, so you have something to compare them
to once I start posting pictures of busy season: : :

Main Bar

(Smoking inside was just banned in restaurants in January 2010.)

(I took this picture and realized AFTER that the close up dollar has Boston Red Sox on it. MY APOLOGIES!!)

(Main Room)

(Parrot heads are Jimmy Buffet followers. Their kids are called Parakeets.)

Straws and Bongs (In Margaritaville Bongs are for drinking out of, not smoking)

Photo opp...


(LOVE these chairs)



GOO......(Bet you thought I was going to go DOWN the slide and take the pic. NO WAY JOSE)

Pool Bar

(YES Im tall enough to ride this ride. (very funny ha ha) ) 

The Center Stage

Menus (This is what happens when your struck with a camera and boredom)


J and C

I think he's attempting to imitate me.....

Chris and Rock Band...his cure for boredom.

I told you we were slow. (And Im not sure thats what the slide projectors for....)

( )

So the Ching Ching birds...which are basically small crows..used to nestle in the wooded area NEXT to Margaritaville. Then they cut all the trees down to build the bank and the birds had no where to go. Being such creatures of habit they keep coming back to the area, resting on whatever they can find....power lines, palm trees and the roof of the restaurant. (Thats a LOT of poop to clean up.)(But it looks really neat...)

( this pic I took VERY late at night at it was super dark so I almost deleted it without even a second thought. Then I had a second thought....and played around with it a little. I find it interesting...)(Do you?)

Its all about talking second looks.....

Random Picture Of The Day: (Im running out of colors)

Astoria Park...Queens, NY  12.16.08

This park ran along the Long Island Sound and was like a little hidden treasure. I enjoyed my time there...

So tomorrow is my day off...but I think Im going to try and work....

Im going to end this blog with a joke. 

A man is and has been in a coma for over 3 months. His wife sat by his side everyday. Finally one
day he woke up, looked over at his wife and a weak raspy voice. My wife, you have been by my side through everything...when I lost my job, you were there. When I lost the house, you were there. When I got arrested, you were there. When I got hit by that car, you were there. 
The wife smiled at him, her heart welling up with emotion. She was about to respond when he finished:
Bitch your bad luck. Get the F out....

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