Tuesday, September 21, 2010


(The) Planting Fields..Long Island...4.18.09

ORCHIDS. I love Orchids. I love all Orchids. 

Fact Of The Day: Orchids: The name comes from the Greek "órkhis", literally meaning "testicle", because its root has a similar shape.[4][5] The term was introduced in 1845 by John Lindley in "School Botany".[5] 

Ohh yes I copied that from the internet. But again, I thought that it would be better if you read it for yourselves.
Some other, less.....phallic facts of Orchids are:
They are the second LARGEST family of flowering plants. Ever. Crazy Right? They have over 25,000 (I wish I could capitalize numbers. ERGG) accepted species and that makes the TWICE the amount of bird species. (Ooooh I can write OUT the numbers and capitalize THOSE...nice...)(Look at me learning TWO (there it is again...I think its very effective.) new things today!!)

The Yellow Ones

The Magenta Ones

                                   And even the ones that look like a face. (Or a "testicle"...whichever)

          Well as you might have guessed Today it rained again all day. And being my day off I didn't have to really venture out that far, which is DEF nice to do every now and then.  I DID however go through some more of my pictures and the next grouping needs a minor explanation.

              These were the first 'Action Shot'-ish pics that Ive ever taken in the SUPER bright sunlight.
AND I was shooting manual, well I was TRYing to. SO needless to say the quality isn't so great. But I promised that I would post them so were going to do something a little different here:
        WE are going to discuss whats going on behind the scenes.....

Charlies Angles in:  "The Volleyball" (Yeah ok that was a bad one)

                                       Um.....yeah got nothing.....

ITs so interesting to see how excited you two are (even performing a Side-Five) and yet the woman behind you seems so calm and unaffected. A Side-Five ALWAYS makes me want to get involved!!
HAHA, The guy in the white is ALL over it and the guy in the black just looks scared...Funny part is that the guy in the white is jumping to soon, Rusty's just setting the ball...someone else has to hit it over... so it prob WILL be up to the guy in the black to block that ball...I wish I remembered what happened!!!

That same guy in the black (Yes I know its black and white..look very far left, with the whitish writing) now as his hands on his HIPS!! He does not seem like he's really into this AT ALL.
(PS...nice form Rusty!)

Ohh Scenic Break...

That wave kinda looks like its creating a circle...

        Going to the beach after the 'rush' is the best time to just BE....Seeing all those footprints after all the feet are gone tells a thousand stories. (And no I didn't forget to capitalize thousand. I WANTED it to be small..it would have ruined the flow of the sentence.) Ooooh And I love sun-glare.

AND...were back.
Jeanna, your face is sooo freaking calm, like your sitting around straightening your hair or something! (Did you get my little hair straightening joke??)

That guy on the cell phone back there looks like he's been doing some SERIOUS yachting!! Or just came back from the Polo Club...Or is on the phone with the Queen..(I could go on forever)

I got nothing...again

Clappin it up! (Yeah I know thats not really funny..shut it.)

The official Twirl-Bump...

                                 Nice eat!! And your prob better off you ate it because it looks like if he misses that ball HES gunna smack you in the face also!!

Andd.....down she goes...(there are a TON of people there...its like a SEA of People!!! HAHA get it? Because there all by the SEA?? hahahaha)

If you look hard it kinda looks like Hollys grabbing that ladies pants!!

The Hair...amazing..How do you get it to do that?? You really DO have the best straightener!!

If you look back this is the ONLY pic where you can actually SEE the volleyball...(seriously go back and check...I did.)

Oh Ann, hello...

I used to sit in one of those...well not at a beach, at a pool...Oh the times Jo and I had at Willowbrook..

( )

(  )

Random Pic Of The Day: This is it. I LOVE this color.
Ok so today were going to play...What is this?
The answers will be posted on the very bottom. Don't cheat.

A..What Is This??

B. And What Is This?

         Well thats all I got in me for now. Got some ships coming into port tomorrow so hopefully
I can get some pics of that...if Im not too busy being a headless chicken (thats quicker to say then 'Running around like a chicken with its head cut off". Shit. I just said it. Well now you know for next time.....)

Ans : : :  A.  The Fruit from a Tamarin Tree...NOT a hanging poop.
                B.  A type of cactus. Very prickly cactus mind you...Not an alien sea creatures eyeballs. (Um yes that IS what
                           I think this looks like!)


  1. Wow! Those really are some amazing pictures. Not that I'm impressed...I know you are excellent at photography. They look fantastic.

  2. Looks like hanging sausage....
    The orchids are BEAUTIFUL!!!
