Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Its ALL about the LIGHT....

   Good Day mate....(Thats Australian.)

  Flash Of The Day: The first camera "flashes" were actually just a batch of 'thermite flash powder' that
                                      was ignited by hand. Since many photographers decided they'd rather not get
                                      burned anymore 'they' (Yes the "collective" they..again...) found a way to
                                      contain the powder in a single use bulb (which was super unflattering and super
                                      hot to the touch for up to FIVE minutes after use!)
                                      Eventually over time 'they' (Seriously though, 'they' is what I use when I don't
                                      know specifics and don't find it relevant enough to look up..so there you
                                      have it. I am NOT the genius you all think I am..happy now??) came up
                                      with the Digital flash which is easy to use and VERY helpful in many different
                                      circumstances during many different days. (I know that doesn't really make
                                      sense...the days part but I needed an intro..you'll understand...keep reading)
                Today is NOT one of those days. (Make sense now?) Being that I live on a relatively small Island now.. (and have seen AT LEAST a third of it already)... I came to the realization that I was going to have to expand my vision and get creative. So today I did something a little different. (YES I said the same thing yesterday. Must you call me out on EVERYTHING..???)
                  I have shot everyone of these pics without flash....and instead used the Lighting as the picture focus instead of the actual subject...The pics are VERY grainy and anything but  sharp, but thats just unavoidable without a tripod....Let me just show you......

Some places are only awake at night.. The Docks....

This is an UNedited pic....(Meaning I didn't change it at all...duh)

(Doesn't the light look like the New Years Eve ball in NYC?)

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(No I have no idea what Tropical is...maybe just the name of the crate company?)

This is the coolest lighting ever. Its on the side of a Bank.

"Star light, Star bright, First Star I see tonight....."

Kinda looks like a genetically mutated Venus Flytrap......

LOVE this one....Can you guess what it is? A HUGE tree Leaf... (No I don't know what kind)

If you stop to look you'll realize that coconuts are like clouds.... if you stare at them long enough you will always be able to see a hidden object. What do you see???

In NY they would cut these down because they are overtaking the sidewalk. Not Here. Flora comes first. I like that....

That first car looks like a LEGIT spacecraft. Seriously. Im sending this pic in to Unsolved Mysteries. (Remember that show? Watched it all the time...)

OOOoooo Whose pimp shadow is THAT?? Guess you'll never know...
(Its ME sillies!!)(Just wanted to throw up the duces...)
(I don't really know what that means...Should have checked the Urban Dictionary)

THE Dot Light Collection....

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LOVE this one also....LOOK at that elaborate tile work...(actually I think its just linoleum BUT we can pretend that we don't know that.... Hum I should have just not told you...)(Oh well too late...If only this computer had some way to delete things...JK it does I just don't want to...NANANANA...ok Im rambling... in quotes.) Moving On...

THE Bush Collection....(Don't be perverted)

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I should send THIS pic to the people of Hell, Grand Cayman and show them what it REALLY looks like...Make a post card out of THAT suckas!! (And then give me royalties)

This is my fav of the three...(which is yours?)...It almost seems like some cute little fairy's are having a late night meeting...NO...Concert...and afterwards theres free cake...NO..free Pizza for EVERYONE!! (I don't like cake.).

THE Palm Collection.....

(If you look at this for a minute you can ALMOST see tall grasses in front of a Beautiful Sunset...(Actually it looks like its in front of a blazing fire...but thats not as pleasant as the first vision...) )

(They kinda look like 3 angry Scarecrow people....Or Something out of Children Of The Corn..Part 1000. Seriously I think they might have that many out now...)

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STAND BACK!!! ITs about to take OFF!!!
(Get it? It kinda looks like a Rocket Ship?)
(Ok maybe Im reaching here...It Does resemble a Dinosaurs foot though..like a HUGE Pterodactyl..(UMMM did ANYONE else know that you spell Pterodactyl what a P??? Wow No wonder spell check kept yelling at me!! I wasn't even CLOSE!!) 

Ahhhh nothing says..."Welcome...Welcome to my driveway" like a Pineapple. 

Random Pic Of The Day: (Is this the same color as yesterday??)

This is for YOU Jessi W (You will ALWAYS be Jessi W to me)
REMEMBER THIS???  Shhhh Don't tell.....

We were ALWAYS soo fashion forward....
Miss you friend...xoxoxoxo

Well I hope that was interesting to all of you... I had a Great time trying to use my 'Eye' a little Differently. Hopefully these will help keep my Blog from Fizzling out...(OMG WHAT a travesty that would be!! Just DONT think about it...ITs ok...It'll be okkkk)
(Spell check HATES me by the way...IT just tried to change my 'okk' to 'oak'....AND it just did it again. It must think that I have the Worlds Lowest IQ...but I have learned how to trick it. If you make the first letter of the word Caps...It leaves you alone.. I might be Caps-ing ALL my words from now...(Um I do know how to spell ALL...just WANTED to caps it.)(I can spell wanted too...see?? Didn't change it)

WELL clearly Im having a rambling problem today...
So Im just going to leave you with what I learned today...

                                              ....At night the whole world comes to light...

1 comment:

  1. oh friend, this was a wonderful surprise! i love your photos -- send me a canvas of the footprints in the sand ;) miss you!!
