Monday, September 13, 2010

Snow Day...

   Today wasn't really a snow day, (obviously) but I stayed in...out of the give my poor skin some time to heal. The mosquito bites and P.M.L.E combined with all the sweating has made me INSANELY itchy. (Hum..that makes me sound kinda gross...Im not I swear!)

   Since I barely left my nicely air-conditioned room today I was able to start organizing all my photos and am going to post some of my favorites. Many of you might have seen them already but just go with it!

Fact of the Day: Here is a list of drinks that seem to be the most popular :
                          Beer : Red Stripe (Jamacian brewed ...In Jamacia it only costs 1$ US)
                                    Heiniken (sp) (EVERY bar uses their coasters)
                                    Caybrew (obviously)
                          Soda : Ting (Grapefruit Soda ...actually pretty tasty)
                                     Watermellon Soda
                                     Fruit Punch Soad
                                     Pepsi (ugh)
                                     Mango everything


Pilgrim Hospital : Anne King : August 2010
  (lets make sure we stay mature about these people)

This is ACTUAL moss growing OUT of the carpet...

I know I look Redic.. but this ones just for fun (we both crack up every time we see it !)

   Maternity Shoot : Erica HJ's Baby Bump : June 2009

Erica and Paulie, you guys were awesome..and Caroline is perfect!!

  Cutest Kids on the Block : Avery Beckerman... : June 2009

And Daniel Paleo : July 2009

 Coney Island : Aquarium : Kim Grey, John (AHH?) and Sean Burkley : January 2010

           This one is my absolute FAVORITE....

  Apple Orchard/ Brewster NY : My AMAZING family : October 2009

Yes, were from upstate!! (and NO were not double related!)

          "HELP US!!  were stuck backwards!! EEEEEE" (thats how bees cry for help)

  AND now...what some of you have been waiting for (Bobby) :

 DJ Rekwest : Mulcahys : August 2010 (HEs AWESOME...HIRE HIM!!)
      (It was terribly smokey in there...I did the best I could...)

Sooooo serious.....

Why does that guy look so angry? Jeeze..lighten up homie!

He seems to be the ONLY one paying attention to the OTHER DJ..

                                    Wait...Scott..are you excited at all? I just cant tell......

Is that the girl from 'The Grudge'?  "uhhhhuhhuhu" (thats that sound she makes)
(WATCH the movie people)

                          FIST PUMP Long Island Style! WHAT WHAT (thats what G's say (Homie G's) )

             I have NO IDEA who these two drunk chics are....but they INSISTED that I take their pic..

     Alright well thats it for now, Im going to save some for my next Snow Day, which HOPEFULLY wont be for a while...Tomorrow will be my LAST training day...and we have 4 ships coming in so it will probably get crazy.. I Cant wait..

P.S (Ive decided you CAN do a PS on a blog)
      THANK YOU for everyone whose 'tuned in' so far...It is GREATLY appreciated...


  1. i think you should have saved the nudes for the end, like a grand finale. and yes i cracked up at the pic of me and you
