Sunday, September 26, 2010

Light and Dark ....

  Since I missed yesterday.....I have double today!
         Sometimes you just need to sleep!!

Fact Of The Day: Crabs can scale tall buildings.
                              I didn't NEED to look it up because I saw it for myself.
                              It was about 20 feet above ground, right next to the top of the second floor balcony.
                              It looked like it was literally stuck to the wall...but it still managed to
                                            'put up its dukes' after it realized I was taking a picture.

WHY is he so ANGRY???  Ive never seen a black and red crab before. Maybe he was born in
"Hell" (You know, Hell, Cayman Island.)

   Today we just walked around. Looking for apartments and stopping in each and every "Beach Access" alley we saw.

The Shore here is interesting because it is a pretty even mix of Iron Shore AND sand. Its like no beach I've ever been on before.  And each 'part' (each of the many apartment complexes that border the beach have their 'own' section of sand.) is just a little different than the next. 

There was a lot of damage done by Hurricane Ivan...but the tress just keep on living! This trees' roots had managed to regrow and find the sand...a few feet below it. Now its flourishing. (Ok, maybe not flourishing.. this tree obv does not belong sideways in the water) BUT it was making seeds and the the leaf-ish parts were actually green. (Ok maybe green-brown)

This is the first and only waterfall Ive seen since Ive been here...
(Yes, it is only about 4 inches high)
But there were TWO there..

Fine...YES...this is the SAME waterfall...Think your soooo smart don't you...

And then theres random things like this. I couldn't walk on it to see what could POSSIBLY be at the other end of the 'dock'. BUT Im assuming that its too rough for boats and it doesn't look very safe for humans with all that Iron Shore around it.  Maybe its for the Mermaids and Mermen...

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The BETTER Shipwreck..(So THERE Chris!!)
(Im not really sure if it IS a shipwreck, it could be an old weird dock, or a vintage spaceship, or maybe even the Iron Giant..(Have you ever seen this movie? Its animated and older, but its one of my favorites))

WHAT? You want closer ones?? FINE...Soo demanding...

Hows that?

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Doesn't that piece in the middle on the left look like a cross sorta?

FAUNA: : :
This is only the second time I've seen one of these bright green little suckers...
And he was super nice and let me take his picture...(He's trying to get into the movie biz so he figured any extra exposure would be helpful)

I caught this guy swimming! I didn't know they could swim!! (Is that obv? That they can swim?)

BIRDS: : : (Do birds count as fauna?)
I don't know what kind of bird this is...but it was running back and forth in a 'paranoid..quick..jittery..spazmatic should be on some kind of ADHD medicine kind of way.' It was obv hunting for fish maybe? (And notice that I used "It" instead of assigning it an unknown sexual orientation. I know...very P.C. of me!!)

How do those twig legs hold it up?

I think Im gunna name it 'XMass' bird. (Because of the and green..HELLoooo!!)

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These are just some RANDOM light shots....

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The burning bush (If you super religious don't get offended by the reference. It didn't capitalize the phrase so its OBV not the same thing.)

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WATER: : :

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Black and White..
Can you tell what these things are?

(Love this one: : : Dancing Water)

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UM Yes....
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Looks like a snow storm, or 'static' or white noise....

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(Doesn't this look like a Dino or something?)

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Random Pic Of The Day: : : Yesterday.

I have located and photographed the real live MOTHRA.
I know you cant appreciate the size.. (and I cant post PDF's on here which would allow me to draw on the picture) but seriously it had to be at LEAST 8 in long. REAL inches. She was on our porch.
Now she is not. Thank Goodness. I hope she didn't lay babies...
(I only gender-ized it because I needed for the 'babies' explanation to make sense.)

Let me leave you with something I've learned.

There is never a time you cant ask for help.
There is never a time you cant ask for forgiveness.
There is never a time you cant....

1 comment:

  1. I loved each picture more then the one before it. your photography has gotten amazing. I could see a whole gallery filled with these pictures. Except maybe for the one of Morgan making a shadow puppet, altho maybe that could be on the gallery invitations.
    love it. love u.
