Thursday, September 16, 2010


  Today I learned about the BEST show. ITs called "Super Human" on The History Channel.
       Its hosted by Stan Lee (yes THE Stan Lee) and is on Thursdays at 10/9 central pm.
           (Seriously get some 'love' and watch it!!) One of tonights facts was from it, The other
                                                                 was inspired by it...

Fact Of The Day" I watched as a young Samurai Warrior Sliced right through a BBgun pellet with a        
                                   Samurai sword as it was SHOT OUT OF A GUN over 30 feet away!!
                                  (Ok so he just nicked it but COME ON...I wouldn't even be able to see it
                                      nevermind hitting it with a huge thin sword blade, which, by the way had to be
                                      pulled out of its holster first!!) Unbelievable.
                             I was told today that if you freeze a bee...once thawed it out it will reanimate.
                                Of course thats a hard thing to believe so I googled it and found a whole slew
                                 of articles saying 2 distinctly different things. There were medical websites that
                                  said it was a myth, that a bees body temperature must stay above 25 degrees or
                                  it will die. HOWEVER I found WAY more articles which stated that not only is
                                  this true, but that you can tie a piece of string around its neck when it is frozen
                                  (gently of course) and that when it wakes up you will have a PET BEE!!
                               BEE FACT: In Java (an Indonesian Island) bee larvae (eggs) are a delicacy.
                                       They are served alongside rice, mixed with coconut 'meat', wrapped in a
                                         banana leaf and steamed. (YES, bee larvae and a glass of wine...delish!)

           (I know I already posted this pic but it was either that or steal one off the internet..yuck)

        You might be wounding why I named my blog 'Gin and Juice' today. Well its because I HATE Gin and LOVE Juice. Two polar opposites, in the same breath.  That is the best way to describe how my day went....(And also I thought it would get all you 'drinkers' interested)
      Im not going to get into the negative (although it did involve making no money, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, giving terrible service to my TWELVE tables, and maybe a few small tears) because Im trying to stay positive. (Ha! Did you see how I told you even though I made it seem like I wasn't going to? Damn I should be a professional Brian-Washer!!)
     But FORTUNATELY we met up with some people from work at Diana's restaurant later this afternoon and had a grand 'ol time...
                                                   ..First they started with three shots...

(Oh by the way that is my plate which had DELICIOUS crispy beef tacos on it just a moment before)

                                                       And then they jumped to Five....

                         And the Dave showed us what an official "NewYork-Rican" Hat looks like.....

(Yes that is a Mets hat on top, I don't want to talk about it....)

     So lets get to what you've been waiting with bated breath for... Yesterday. We did the coolest thing by far...AND had the BEST experience I've ever had doing it.
                      We went to the 'DMV' !! (They call it the Licensing office here) Let me paint a picture of the NY DMV....Big drab buildings, long lines, tons of aggravated impatient people, many different confusing windows, many different confusing forms, crying babies, florescent lighting....I could go on forever...
            Now let me show you the CAYMAN 'DMV'.....

             Yup  thats it. That TINY little store front in-between the local laundry-mat and convenience store.  So your thinking..."Well so what Sara? Its prob huge and obnoxious inside.." ......

            NOPE!!! This is it. (And keep in mind that my by back was resting on the wall)  About 20 feet long. There were only about four people that come in during the whopping twenty minutes it took us to fill out the ONE sided ONE page application, swipe a debit card, have her make photocopies of our US license and passport, AND take a picture. It was surreal, I almost actually pinched myself. I wish you ALL could have been there to see it....The BEST part was that we were able to walk out with our licenses. ON THE SPOT. No waiting for "two" weeks (or two months, whenever they finally decide to mail it out) with some BS temp. paper license . (This only makes me slightly nervous because I know NOTHING about driving on the left side of the road, but hey, if THEY trust me than why shouldn't I?...)

(If you know Morgan, then youll recognize his shirt. Its his official document shirt..)
(And Im not naked, even though I look like I am)

OHH another thing I forgot to mention yesterday was that I had my first taste of Pina Colada Ice Cream.
It was wonderful and served in this Super tiny cone at Sunshine Sweets...

Oh right I didn't get a picture soooo I drew it..(thats my actual hand, I traced it)
((I know...I don't know why Im pointing out the obvious either.))

Ok one more fact from "Super Human" before I go....
Did you know that there are HUMAN crash test dummies? I don't know how many there are exactly but there was this one man on tonight who had put himself into over 930 accidents, in order to better test cars and their safety mechanisms. And he's claims he hasn't had a serious injury yet.
WHO says..."when I grow up I want to have one of the most dangerous jobs that I can find" 
(HUmmmm I think actually there might be a lot of people who do that)
I guess 'No guts, No glory'....
(I don't know if that phrase really apply's there...maybe 'To each his own' would have been better..)

Random Picture of the Day: (This color makes me want mustard!! (bet you thought I was gunna
                                                           say vomit...FOOLED you AGAIN!!!!)

      I took this picture at Old Westbury Gardens in Old Westbury, NY about two years ago.  I don't know what it is about this picture that I love so much, but I really do love it. Maybe because that bug is florescent green which is an AMAZING color (Yeah Jenn K! (It was so weird to write that I wanted to write Jenn I)) Or maybe its the different textures...

                Alright, my apologies for the shortness but I couldn't shoot a lot today...
                       Hopefully tomorrow brings more vision....


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