Friday, September 24, 2010

ITs all about the Rapid Fire

   Well thank goodness for Rapid Fire Cameras....

Fact Of The Day: Apparently....there are NO 'porn shops' in the Cayman Islands. None. Not only that
                              but if they find a "self stimulating device" or anything that could be linked to
                              "erotic pleasure" they will CONFISCATE it!! Seriously? I googled this fact and
                              couldn't really find anything specific about the laws but I have it on good authority
                              that they wont even advertise Victorias Secret garments here because it is too
                                'suggestive.' Wow. Talk about being a little too religiously fanatic...(If your
                               a Caymanian reading this Don't get offended....Its just not like that in NY...)

    Sooooooooo Today I shot some waves. (Don't worry, none of them were hurt during the shooting) And by 'shot some waves' I mean I stood by the ocean for about an HOUR and took....wait for it.....1,094 pics. (I really wanted to capitalize that number but its just too long to be dramatic.)  It was SUPER difficult to get the shots for many reasons, one being that they are so inconsistent in their direction and flow. Another reason was that I was standing right next to a 'blowhole' for part of it that kept spraying all over me, so I had to constantly jerk around to protect my camera. (Which didn't always work) Also, since they break SO fast I needed to have a fast shutter speed (How quickly the camera takes the pic) but it was pretty dark out so It couldn't go as fast as I wanted.
          Needless to say some of them are a little blurry, and since I took ONE THOUSAND AND NINETY FOUR pics (see, too long) I had a hard time editing them... and now there are about 45 pics that Im about to post...there are prob a bunch that are super similar, BUT too bad....

Playing by the blowhole...

Getting SATURATED by the Blowhole...(thank goodness I had to stand back to try and keep my camera dry..and yes I said TRY)

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HOW did this get here? Seriously Its in between a huge cement wall and a pathway by the ocean. AND there are no trees this tall for miles....Miraculous.

And THATS the Blowhole...kinda hard to see..yes..USE your imagination people...

And this is what happens when the Blowhole GETS you....

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Looks kinda dirty in there....

(I was obsessed with the 'clear tube')

See...Sometimes it Breaks on the sides and then meets in the middle....

And some times it Breaks on the right side...

And other times it Breaks all over...

And sometimes it Breaks on the left side...(I think you get the point)

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(Look at the 'CT' in the back...(that means Clear Tube)

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Love this one...Thats the REAL color of the water...

(This is NOT the real color of the water...(huh thank Goodness!) )

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(CT..If you don't remember what that means scroll up or go to a Neurologist..)

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Uppp....Thats ME!!  (I know the 'Uppp' seems strange but it is difficult to spell out the sounds like I want to make sometimes, So I just do the best I can.)

Morgan took this one...Looks like I might have some competition!!

The crazy thing about the storms here is that even know you can see them coming, you end up standing directly underneath them for a while and nothing happens. So you say to yourself..."Self, I think that those are just some 'wanna be' rainclouds" And then just when you've convinced yourself thats the truth...BAM (I wasn't sure what word to use here to describe it..Whack? No....Crash? No...I guess Bam..) So....BAM you get Pummeled (yes def pummeled) by Buckets of Rain out of nowhere..(Well not really physically nowhere because you can SEE it...but mentally nowhere..)
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The sky was SICK..(and I don't mean Ill, although you could say that also if you wanted. What I mean is ..incredibly amazingly ridiculous. Which takes WAY too long to say.)

And the water got closer and closer...

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This, I think Is my FAVORITE shot of the day...

ACTUALLY, this one is pretty crazy too...LOOK at that sky....

And yet the water stayed its blues and greens....

If you look left and see where the 'Sky is Falling' it actually is. That is a Sheet or Rain. People gave Chicken Little a hard time but after seeing this, I think he might have been right...(If you don't know who Chicken Little is then...well I have nothing to say but wonder about your childhood...)

I just COULDN'T get over this sky....
And about 8 seconds after I took this pic.....
This Happened.....

It was a CRAZY torrential rainstorm that this pic DOESNT give any justice too....
But it was bad, Of course being paranoid I was convinced we were going to die in a Tsunami, but since Im here typing obv I survived. Thank Goodness because WHAT would you be doing right now instead of 'hanging out' with me???

Random Pic Of The Day: Today. Diana bought me this AMAZING bottle of Coke.
ITs actually part can, part bottle. I love it.
I wanted to take it home and tuck it under the covers with me but I thought that might be weird so instead Im writing about it and telling everyone...hummmm...

Real quick before I 'sign off' (Can you 'sign off' on a blog or is it only a radio/TV thing?) I need some help. I think Ive said "Actually" about 40 times in this ONE blog (not counting that last one) and I need a NEW word, or 10. I KNOW I can just use the thesaurus but what fun is that?? Also I abbreviate a that ok to do? And Kim G Im sure my grammar is killing you!!
Let me know what you think!!!

(Italian...look it up)

  P.S. I just saw a commercial for Victorias Secret on TV. Weird....

1 comment:

  1. NO PORN SHOPS?? thats it, i'm canceling my trip. what a stupid island!
    i love that you stood on the beach taking ONE THOUSAND AND NINETY FOUR (ooh thats fun) shot of the ocean. and i'm shocked that your favorite was a wide shot. :) love ur life
