Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Different kind of day...

Hello RAIN....

  Well I woke up this morning to Thunder, lightning, heavy rain and the sounds of the TI (Treasure Island 'Resort') staff desperately trying to keep the flash flooding under control with a single squeegee (which they failed at...miserably) And with that in mind here is the....

FACT OF THE DAY: September 10th of every year marks the peak of the hurricane season. It is and has been the day where the warmest water temperatures have been reported (86 F) and apparently warm water provides the best conditions for "water funnels" which is what fuels and sometimes causes hurricanes. (I read that in the paper today. YES I read the paper. Well I did today anyway!) So IGOR
BACK OFF! (And who names these hurricanes anyway? Igor? Seriously? [Dont be offended if your name is Igor])

   So after being stuck in the awesome studio apartment for the first two hours of our DAY OFF with unreliable cable and internet service, and no food, it finally cleared up (as it usually does in the tropics). We refueled and did a little exploring around the 'resorts' grounds. The place is said to have a lovely beach, so we went to check it out...and of course I was NOT surprised but what we found when we got there....

     Nothing says "Come and swim in our beautiful beaches" like yellow caution tape and a 'John Deere' going at full speed!  Actually since it was working on improving this beach I cant hate on it too much, and the rest of the scenery was pretty amazing...

    Um so I didn't notice this until I just made this pic extra large but my flip flops are all curved in and distorted.. how does something like this happen? I swear my feet aren't shaped like that! I think that it might be time for a new pair....
   We didn't stay at the beach for long (because while taking one of the pictures I slipped and fell into the ocean and completely saturated my jean shorts [wet jeans = super uncomfortable]) (it was pretty funny though..I cracked up) SOooo we started to head back and I decided it was time that I finally got a GOOD shot of one of the 30+ Iguanas that roam around all over the place. There usually climbing in the trees and hiding in the bushes... but since I am so stealth and have the ability to make myself invisible (don't repeat that because if the government found out they'd want to do all sorts of testing on me and I wouldn't be able to blog anymore) I outsmarted them.....

      That last picture is obviously not an animal (sorry REPTILE)  but it IS a pic of the...well actually I have no idea what they are but I DO know that the Iguanas eat this and it grows upside down from the fanned palm trees.

     And then it happened. We got the call.
  "Can you two babysit Isa?" Diana's sitter cancelled and they both had to work so OF COURSE we said yes. I haven't babysat in about 10 years...maybe even longer than that but I was up for the challenge (especially because Morgan was going to go also so if anything happened I could just blame him. Just Kidding Morgan!! (not really))
   Chris and Diana's condo is beautiful, but not as beautiful as the view from their backyard...stunning..

We had a super fun time...First we played with bubbles(which are still pretty matter how old you are or how cool you pretend to be [not that I EVER pretend to be cool..don't have to!])

   HELLO!!! Do you see the SIZE of those bubbles? I don't remember them doing things like that when I was a child. (Did they even have bubbles back then? JK Im not THAT old!)  By the look on her face I wasn't the only one who was shocked AND impressed!

   Then we played a little 'Hide and Seek' which wasn't quite as difficult as I remember it, especially since Isa's hiding spots were all like this one...(She IS just so freaking cute..I cant even stand it!)

   From there we went on to play a game that I totally don't understand but involved hopping over the cracks in the sidewalks, walking around on our tiptoes and speaking in whispers (I think the setting sun turned all the fun and games into a secret covert operation).....

    Then we moved the party inside where Morgan invented the "swing" game (which 20 minutes later Im sure he regretted after his arms were like rubber!)

  This next ones pretty terrible because Im teaching myself how to use some new settings on my camera and it came out totally Pixilly (real word?) but it was SO cute so Im posting it anyway...

       I also took my FIRST moon shot (NOT that kind of moon shot...perverts!) Id explain how I did it...or TRIED to do it but Its kinda complicated...all Im going to say is by the time I got a decent shot...I felt partially strangled and my finger was cut. (I can only imagine what your picturing in your head right now...)

   Its not perfect, but kinda cool. Im getting there...

       OK well AARON I hope that was enough pictures for you...Thats it for today..
Tomorrow Im off to work again...Saturdays are birthday party days so that should be interesting. Wish us luck!!

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