Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BITS and Pieces...

Fact Of The Day: Apparently today in Cambridge, Mass...Parking Tickets carry a little extra flare.
                                 As part of an 'art project': : Daniel Peltz designed the new tickets with pictures of
                                  Yoga poses and actual directions of how to do them in hopes of  *"debunking the
                                 idea that all parking tickets are a hostile action" (*Susan Clippinger, the cities
                                 transportation chief) People there are Furious and Offended.
               (Do they really think that aggravated people want to be told to 'Calm down, do some yoga?')

  Bits and Pieces of the Caymans.....Useless facts..(unless you live here of course!)

The beach in the Caymans is public property. Therefore any resort or hotel that is located right on the beach must make a path (which are usually very very narrow) to allow people access to it....These signs are EVERYWHERE....

Esso huh? Looks like Exxon/Mobile to me....

There are No billboards here, (that Ive seen anyway) Most of the advertising gets hung on a fence...

They don't ticket you. They boot you. Right away. Serious business....

Digicel and Lime are the TWO cell phone service providers. Most people buy a sim card, put money on it and when it runs out....they just 'Top it Up'. You can 'Top Up' anywhere...gas stations, pharmacies, supermarkets....Talk about convenience.

Yes. This was behind the counter of Texaco Gas Station. I couldn't believe it!! All we have in NY was beers and Zimas (lol yes I just gave Zima a shootout.) However I was told that they have the same setup in Az...Sooo I guess its not as crazy as I thought....But if you look to the left you'll see blackened, securely locked cabinets. I thought they were selling guns or something, but no. Their Cigarettes. Lock up the cigs, display the alcohol. Now THAT is weird.

And there are NO white picked fences here. Just Coral and Iron Shore fences...Use what you got I guess.  I wonder if the women there dream of the house with blue shutters, the huge walk in closets Iron Shore fence....

(That one on the right looks similar to a brain...well the PICs of brains that Ive seen.)
(Although I just saw on some Kardashian show that the women who studied Gacy (the murdering psychopath) has PARTS of his brain. They actually showed it, it was in a plastic ziplock looking bag...All Preserved of course...but such a strange item to display in your office. Buy a painting..Jeeze.)

Ummm...I think he's a little out of his element...
(Element being water...get it?)


(These were parked outside a storage unit... )

Can you see what it is?

Ahhh Now do you see it???

How about now?

( )

( )

( )

                                                        Just Another day at the workplace....
        HEYYYYY Macarena ..(The guy on the left looks lost...I thought EVERYONE knew this one!!)
     (yes they (and I don't mean the collective they, I mean the DJ's) bring it back old school sometimes)

Anyone want free Tequila....SHOTs shots shots shots.......????

It IS a nice change to see THIS up on stage sometimes though....sweet....

Instead of a Random Pic of the Day...I would like to thank Texaco for my
7 DOLLAR Chips...and it WASNT even the party size...

(I didn't draw a pic this time!!!)

And then I found This neat little 'Tag'

Guess THATs why there SEVEN dollars...
(I think the seven caps work better that the dollars caps..)

Well hopefully Ill see the turtles tomorrow.......

Ill leave you with this joke I heard today....

A teacher called a small conference for four of her students parents.
"Ladies I think that each and everyone of you have some issues that we need to discuss them for the benefit of your children."
To the first woman she said "You have an obv addiction to food...You even named your daughter Candy."
To the second woman she said "You have an obv addiction to money...You even named your daughter Penny."
To the third woman she said "You have an obv addiction to alcohol...You even named your daughter Brandy."
Before the teacher could get to the fourth parent she stood up, grabbed her child by the hand and said "Come on Dick, lets go."


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