Saturday, September 18, 2010

FOOTBALL and Little Girls...

    This post is not creepy I promise...

  Today I read this in the window of a 'Taffy' shop...

         People are like Slinkys. They make you laugh for no reason...
     when you push them down the stairs...

Fact Of The Day:  Slow season is SO slow that many of the restaurants in Cayman close down for the
                                  entire month of September.
                              The Capital of Grand Cayman is Georgetown. (Thats where my job is)
                              And your last useless fact is that the population is about 60,456. (Plus me and Morgan
                                    so that makes 60,458)

    Well today (after having some SUPER delish banana pancakes)...
             I met up with Diana at 'Carlos and Martin....'

(OH yes, an ORANGE fridge..)
(Jenn K you must be happy about this one too!)

Doesn't this make you want to have a bar fight and kick someone thru it like in those old westerns?

       Then we headed over to pick up Isa at the 'Football' game. (Which I thought was going to be some little thing in an unmarked grassy knoll (what IS a grassy knoll exactly?) but it was on a nice Legit football field with a pretty big stadium). I threw on my long lens (zoom) and got ready to 'catch' some nice shots. (Get it? Catch pictures because Im at a football game..? Football players catch footballs...nevermind, forget it...) BUT it was WAY harder than I thought it would be. Normally I wouldn't even post these pictures but since Im still learning I know none of you will judge me...

(We like the orange team. "DogHouse")


                                                  (Do NOT mess with this game face...)

(omg...This one is SUPER fuzzy...but NICE hit!!)

(This ones even worse...but NICE catch!!)

(Thats a whole lotta jumping and not alotta catching.)

(But the best part of the game will always be talking to your lady about it after...)
(If your a real man that is...)

      And while all this roughhousing was going on..So was this...

Hide and Seek (Obv..)

It was a nice day...

              And on our walk home from work we saw one of these...(This picture was super hard to get because it was so dark out and he (the bird) just kept hopping a little further away every time I got close...HE was taunting me...SOB)(Im not translating that one for you. If you don't know what it means then you prob shouldn't.)

                                    (Oh and that is NOT red-eye....I think the bird was stoned....)
              I have NO idea what kind of bird this is...and Im way to tired to google it...lo siento. (That means Im sorry in spanish...which Im learning...SLOWLY)

Random Pic Of The Day: (This color is ok but its too close to the FOTD (Fact of the day..) )

             Ann's Shoes : Long Beach, NY (Long Island) : : Summer 2010
I posted this picture as a tribute to the LB VBall pics that I will post this week..

Im done. Im exhausted. Tomorrows 'Adventure Day'.

Let me leave you all with something truly profound. . . 

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I'm a skitzophrenic,
And So Am I.

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