Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well we LANDED on Grand Caymen Island (yesterday). Our flights were both pretty smooth, no screaming babies, no turbulence, and no lots of other things also. Like NO free pillow/blanket. NO movie/tv screens. NO free peanuts. Seriously? I even had to pay to check my ONE bag. Damn economy.

   Ok so onto Treasure Island """Resort""". (I guess to me the word Resort means a mint on your pillow and a CLEAN, fancy living quarters. I was very very wrong) After 20 minutes of standing in the sweltering heat of the outdoor checkin desk, listening to more than one of the residents complaining about the place, we finally got our keys (which didn't work so we had to go get new ones) and were greeted by a smell that I can only describe as FUNK. The first thing we noticed was our "stove" and mini "fridge" (which I decorated) that were clearly installed in 1900 when the Island was founded.

   Of course the first thing you usually do is sit on the bed and check out what you'll be laying on for the next few weeks. Well I practically FELL into the LARGE indent/hole that could only have been made by someone who was possessed by evil and sat in the same spot for 12 years. (Or someone who jumped up and down in the same spot for 97 hours)(Or its possible that a large moon rock fell from the sky and landed on that exact same spot) I peaked under the sheets and bed pad and as soon as I saw food crumbs inbreeded in the actual mattress I covered it back up super fast and put my own sheets on top of everything. (Yes I brought my own sheets...thank god!) (I did not take a pic of that bc I am pretending that it never happened)
  Then as I went to plug in my computer I was greeted by this AWESOME wiring job..

  I love to walk around barefoot, we both do, but there is something SLIMEY on the almost feels like someone poured olive oil all over the floor which is super helpful in attracting dust and random floor debris to our feet.

   So in order to wash off I went to check out the shower and found that they DO have rust and bathroom scum in the Caymens also! Good thing I was super worried about that.

But enough complaining. We'll live, and its only for 2 months anyway. As for the OUTside of the "Resort", its pretty amazing.  We are on the second floor and have a relatively nice view (although the "Resorts" bar is about 10 feet away, and even other friday they bring in a Mechanical Bull and it turns into "Club Treasure Island")   

    The best part is that we DO have a "security Pirate" right outside. We've named him Captain Rehab (like Ahab but right next to the alcohol bar) He has lost both hands so I don't know how helpful he'd be in case of emergencies, but hopefully his presence alone will ward off the evil.

     Alright well thats it for now...Tomorrow were off on a boat trip to some huge Sandbar, more details to follow....

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