Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tropical 'Storm' Nicole...

Ohhh Tropical Storm Nicole. Even though it was Jamaica you were after THANK YOU for smacking us with your nasty tail winds and taking ALL our ships away again......

Fact Of The Day: The waves that you are about to see are NOTHING compared to the ones that
hit the Island in the 'winter'. Yes it is Hurricane season now but in 
the 'winter' its the WIND that gets out of control, and causes
waves so high that half of the roads on the Island have to be shut
down. So Im told. Cant wait to shoot those ones!!
There is no such thing as too many wave pictures. I just made that fact up.
But its the truth.

Being that Morgan and I were getting cabin fever from being stuck in our awesome 'resort' apartment, Chris was nice enough to pick us up and give me some great photo Opps: : :

The Pier where all the Tenders dock: : :
(Tenders are the smaller boats that run ppl back and forth from the cruise ships)
(This wave is crashing over the break and into the parking lot)

(Imagine getting off your boat and being face to face with this? ITs kinda hard to tell but that waves about 10 feet high)

( )

(This one was about 20 feet high)

( )

(The water just threw itself all over the place...)

( )

(Good thing thats not MY restaurant!!)

(At least every table would already have water!! hahahahaha )
(Its ok to laugh, that was pretty funny.)

Well there were surfers here. But they seemed to be doing way more talking than surfing.

                             Yes MORE waves, but I made them fun colors so you wouldn't get bored.
(blue )





(blah normal...but look how CLOSE they are!!)

(blah normal...but look at that spray!!)

(Again with the SPRAY...yes Im obsessed...this Tube is soooo much bigger than the last!!)

Morgan and Isa: : : 
( )

( )

(Apparently salt water does NOT taste good...)

(Don't let the waves hit us!!!)

(Its COMING!!!)

( )

( cant get us waves!)

(HA! YES we cannn!!)

( )

( )

Dad and Isa's little footsies..(Well ISA'S are little)

(The blowhole again)

( )

(THAT is the plastic bag that I had covering my was SLIGHTLY annoying)
(But kept my camera nice and dry...Good call Dad!!)

Sometimes you just want to see a purple ocean....

( )

( )

I WANTED to catch Morgan getting soaked..but he jumped back just in time!

(This doesn't even look real...might have overdone it in photoshop.... )

This random guy did NOT have a plastic bag on his camera. He's gunna be sorry!!!

A  Home....

( )

( )

A true 'Lifesaver'
(Um I titled it that because I shot it through a lifesaver ring...duh!!)

There will be no random pic of the day today.
I am exhausted.
From doing nothing.

But I will leave you with this.

Olive Juice.
You know who you are....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Tropical Depression #16 "

Yes, Tropical depression. I guess thats code for "Were not going to call it a hurricane but its just as bad"
Since I obv couldn't take my camera out in this I borrowed Morgans point and shoot, just to document what happens here during a "Tropical Depression." And just one of the things that happens is that all of our cruise ships got rerouted and we were called OFF!!!  Who ever heard of a RAIN-day??!!!

Fact Of The Day: Due to the fact that there are no taxes here, everything brought in and sent out is taxed.
If you have an item shipped to you here, you have to pick it up in
person at te post office and they open it up in front of you,
Decide how much your item is worth and tax you on it.
So essentially you pay twice to ship something.
SOOO I know all of you want to send me bars of gold and precious jewels,
BUT please REFRAIN. I cant afford it!!

T.I.....oh lovely Treasure Island: : : 

              This lovely mess was RIGHT outside my door..  I wasn't sure what exactly this was until I  
                                                                          looked up.....

Yes, it was the ceiling. Once again, the sky was falling....
I can only imagine whats going to happened with the REAL hurricanes come...

As I went downstairs I noticed that the SANDBAGS had come out, and were placed all over the Lobby Bar.  Again I wasn't sure what exactly they were there for, since the Lobby is all open and exposed to the rain...and then I looked over and saw the pool....

I know its pretty poor quality but if you look real hard you can see that the pool is ABOUT TO OVER FLOW. And NOW the sandbags made sense. All I have to say is THANK goodness that I am on the second floor...

Unfortunately we don't have a car here, so we were FORCED to walk in the sheets of rain to get food, so that we didn't starve. This woman was decked to the NINES..(What does that mean? The Nines? Is that the right word even?) I didn't even know people here OWNED jackets. And yes, even the grass is flooded.

I know I know, you've seen floods before. But the difference is these floods were EVERYWHERE. And people just didn't even TRY to avoid them. Its like they didn't even notice it...

See If I was in THIS car, I MIGHT be nervous that I wouldn't make it, since the water is up PAST the floor boards. But this woman just slammed the gas and went on her way.

I was trying to show you just how deep the water was on the driveway, but its kinda hard to see. It was up to our ankles. This is what we had to trudge through the entire way. Should have just worn bathing suits and called it a day.

On our way back we saw the "Pool Irrigation System" which consisted of a long blue rubber hose (ish) thing, which had one end in the pool and the other in the parking lot. Very high tech.

Ok this might be the WORST photo Ive ever taken, (because my flash didn't reach and I didn't want to just walk over to the workers and take a pic) but they are Squigy-ing (SP.) the floor. There were about 5 of them doing this, fighting the never-ending battle.

And this is what we came home to right outside our door. Apparently floods don't care that they don't belong on SECOND floor hallways. (And no, it hasn't crept under our door into the apartment yet, because if it DID we'd be somewhere else.)

Later on, we trekked (This is how spellcheck told me to spell this, but It really doesn't look right) out again...(Yes for food, don't judge, the NORMAL person should eat 5-6 times a day) And this is what greeted us in the gas station...
Again I looked up: : :

Yup, another celling on the fritz.

But enough of that. Now I would like to give a shout-out to the Bronx Zoo!!!

(This is a Tiger)

(This is a monkey)

(This is a gorilla)

Random PictureS Of The Day: : : 

This is the CUTEST thing Ive seen in a gas station. These are legit homemade sandwiches. Im not sure what the CB stands for (possible Cheese and Butter, or Chicken and Beef, or Cauliflower and Broccoli, or Candlewax and Bologna or Cinnamon and Beets. ...OOOH or CHESSE AND FAVORITES!!)

 And this is the COOLEST toilet I've seen thus far. It was in Carlos and Martins Restaurant and was so fun I actually FELT like I was sitting on a 'Thrown' (And Yes I flushed before I took this pic. You guys are gross.....)

Ahhhh well thats that! Hopefully I will be able to get out there and shoot something tomorrow!
Were running errands and looking at Apartments!! Yay!!

Today Ill leave you with these words of wisdom: : :

Mary Poppins.