Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Well its Wednesday !!!!!
Time is flying by so fast...
I can't believe we have less then two weeks left !!

So we had to go to get some things from the off site this morning and there were 9
of us and 5 seats in the pick-up truck.
So four of us   (In case your as bad at math as I am) had to sit in the back
covered section.
I immediately assumed we were going to get arrested since this is illegal in the states
but apparently here its totally fine.
Which was unfortunate considering our diver did a bazillion miles an hour on curvy dirt roads
and we were jostled all over the place.
That being said....It was still fun and we laughed a lot.

This is me trying to figure out how the F to get in ...

"The Survivors"
(This was a before photo we weren't quiet so smiley afterwards)

And as always there were some incredible views....

We finally made it back to the Ellies and were allowed to watch them eat before we
had to start BOMA cleanup.

I prob could have posted a Trillion more pics but I don't want to overdo it 

Once the poop was all cleaned up we just stood there and took it all in.
Watching them graze and just be never ceases to amaze any of us.

This is Christina.
She loves Dung more then anyone Ive ever met.
She got SOOO excited that she found a Pumpkin plant that was growing out of this piece that she
took it back to her room.
(After we took a picture)

And then she found this.
It was like she hit the Jackpot.
OF course she wanted to take them all home .......
But No.
(Although her excitement was almost contagious)

Then back for lunch...
This is a random photo...but I found it odd so I figured what the hell...
SO the girls all got together and got Beth and I some snacks to thank us for driving and I got

They tasted like BBQ.
Thats all.
Ive got nothing witty to say about it.
Shocking I know.

Ok thats all for today ...
Tonight Ann and I have our lodge night...
Which means we get to sleep over the BOMA and watch the Ellies all night
AND we get a sleep in so we don't have to report to work until 8:00am !!
Cant wait.

Until tomorrow !!

1 comment:

  1. The chips are called Simba, that’s pretty awesome. You know from the Lion King and all ;)
