Saturday, March 24, 2018

                                                  SATURDAY !!! (And Friday)
                   So I just wasn't feeling it yesterday ... but Ill do a quick recap for you ...
                         For our morning job I had 'Field Clean-Up' ...which meant we went into
            the field and picked up and plastic.. metal...antyhing that isn't biodegradable
                    or that could potentially hurt the Ellies ...apparetnly there was a land fill there
          long long ago before they had public dumps and sometimes things resurface ....
                         We had a very interesting conversation with Clare (one of our supervisors)
             about the occurrence of homosexuality in animal species ... but thats a whole other blog
                                                                 Ill be sure  to write.

                 On my walk I found these locusts.... who are doing exactly what you think they are ..
                             what you might not know is that they do this for days or even weeks
                      (If I could put emojis on here it would be the one w the bugged out eyes)

                       After that we went to pick up our rental cars (Which we got for the weekend)
                        (Thank goodness I remember how to drive on the wrong side of the road)
                                                                    Went shopping .....
                                     and then went for a hike down in the Valley of the Park.
                                           I think this is an old BBQ .......

                         I did not take these next two Pics but I just wanted to show you what the
                                                                      are looked like .....

And THENNN we had a BBQ !!
Or a Braam as they call it here in South Africa ...
Once Ann got the fire going everything went super smooth and we were all really 
impressed ...
We had burgers and chx and corn and garlic bread and potatoes and chips and bean burgers...
(In case you were wondering)

And after that .... we taught the Non-Americans all about Smores and how to make them
It was a huge hit and super cute to be a part of.

Sorry about the was might dark out

Then we played a game and called it a night ....

SO todayyyy we drove an hour to go hiking at Tsitsikamma National Park in the Eastern Cape.
(The first ever national Park in South Africa)
So we hiked the Waterfall Trail ... took about 3.5 hours but it was incredible ...
90% of the hike was on rocks that boarded the ocean ...the weather was cool and a bit rainy at times
but absolutely perfect.

There was a lot of orange all over the rocks and some trees and even the dirt....
Its the Tannin (which is a mineral) in the soil which does that.

This is cutie pie Ann holding up this massive rock and saving us all 

Just to have proof that we were here ......

There not much more I can really say about the day ...
It was perfect ...were all a but tired but it was totally worth it.

Tomorrow were off to Monkeyland (Monkeys) and the Knysna Loerie (Birds)
and then a Safari !!!
Will post tomorrow !!!!!

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