Saturday, March 10, 2018

We'll Here We Go Again !!!

Ann and I will be volunteering at Knysna Elephant Sanctuary in Knysna, South Africa2.
We will be there for a month and will be doing who knows what .. but it will be to ensure the safety and comfort of Elephants that have to be kept in captivity due to poaching issues, and others that have  been rescued from circus's and other unsavory places.
Hopefully we'll be able to help make a change, even if its a small one.
For those of you who know me know its been my dream to be with Elephants for as long as I can remember and I am beyond Elated that its finally coming to fruition.

This trip has been a year in the making, from finding the right place to Volunteer, (There were many places to chose from but we narrowed it down to Knysna based on the safest area for us and the best treatment of the Elephants) picking the best time to go ... and doing all the necessary preparations. 
Aka getting all our shots and meds and packing and buying our flights etc etc ...

Some may say I'm a hypochondriac ... I like to call it 'being prepared' 

After days and days of packing and stressing Im finally all packed and ready to go.
Normally when I go away packing is an easy job, considering Ive done it so often, but how can you make sure your packing correctly when your told that South Africa has 'four seasons in one day' !!
So Ive got it all ...from jackets to tank tops ..from boots to flip flops ... I even packed one of my bed pillows and a throw blanket. LOL
The hardest part was finding clothes that weren't covered in Elephant prints .. considering thats mostly what I own ...I don't want them to think I'm a Wierdo. 

This evening we fly out of JFK and Arrive in London 7 hours later .. Where we have a 9.5 hour layover.  Then were off on our 11 hour flight to Johannesburg .. where we have another 3 hour layover before getting on our final 2 hour flight to George, South Africa.
From there I believe its a 30-45 min drive to the park.
So ... basically we will be traveling for 40 straight hours. 

I will post as often as possible .. Giving you the best descritpion of our journey that I can.
I will be thinking about all of you and Ill see you on the Flip Side !!!

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