Sunday, March 18, 2018


So these pics I actually took yesterday which is good bc we basically mulled around
all day today and I have nothing to report really...
We went to see the Ellies and played tourist again ....
Went for a quick drive into town just to get out of the park...played some games...
had lunch at the park restaurant and are about to go on another sunset walk...
Which brings me to these next pics....

Sunset Walk...
So after the Ellies are put in the night camps we are free to roam around the property...
Its about a bazillion Acres 
(Thats obv not accurate but no one around me knows for sure)
but its huge.
There's hills and valleys and amazing views everywhere you turn...
But Ill let the Pics speak for themselves.....

This is the "Pine Tree"
Its a little shelter built around a Pine Tree.
Pretty self explanatory.
Its just a place where the guides meet up or where people (and Zebras) can catch 
some shade in the midday sun.

                                                                           This is Aliyah.
                            And this is what happens when you always run ahead and get in everyone
                             else's photos.... you are forced to get realllll low so as to not block the view.

                                                             Photo Cred :: Ann King

                I forgot to take the power lines out but I think its amazing enough that you won't notice
                                  (Although I just pointed it out so now it'll prob be all you see.)

Today we'll go to a different spot on the property (I think)
But if not you'll most likely just be getting more of this scenery ...
Sorry not Sorry.
We have to be careful bc down in the valley its like a mini-jungle
and there are Baboons that live there.
And while Id LOVEEE to be able to see one in person I am told that they
are extremely Vicious....
(Don't worry Mom I have my Mac..e LOL)
So hopefully well be able to see them from afar.
Or up close...and then Ill finally have an excuse to use it!!

Until tomorrow !!!

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