Tuesday, March 20, 2018


So last night we had BOMA Obvs. (Observation)
Basically we have shifts from .... wait I think I already explained this on another post....
But if I didn't ... we basically go out in shifts .. 2ppl inside the BOMA and 2ppl outside watching the
'Night Camp' .. and recording the activities of the Ellies in the evening hours.
It was super cold last night ... and supposedly there was a Rain Spider out there...
(which is a huge poisonous spider)
But we didn't see it... Someone has a picture somewhere so when I find who it 
is Ill post it.

We were out there for two hours ... from 5:15-7:15..
We had a great time of course...cracking jokes...catching up and talking
shit to the girls inside the BOMA. (Grin)
(I swear we were paying attention... it was just mighty uncomfortable up there so we
 had to keep trying to find new positions to lay in)

                                                          This was our view of the Field
          Right before that lake/pond thing is where the night camp ends...just to show you how
                                                                           big it is.
               (We were up on the old rides platform in case you were wondering... they stopped
                   giving rides on the Ellies March 1, 2018...so Im super glad they did away with it
                          but I can't help but feel like .... DAMMIT I MISSED IT BY 10 DAYS!!!!)

This is the view directly across ... which is a Vineyard.
Its cool because we see people out there all day handpicking the grapes...
in small groups .. laughing and having a good time.
I have yet to have any but I am told they come here sometimes to sell the grapes
so Its something Im looking forward to!
Cant get em any fresher then that!!!

                                                                     This is the Lab....
                                                                 " Fiela's Legacy Lab "
                         So a few years ago Fiela was born in the park, and because her mother
           was so young she was pretty much orphaned and the staff took over weaning her....
                  Everyone fell in love with her, but tragically a few months later she got gravely
     ill and passed away. Wealthy Volunteers who were here at the time of her birth had graciously
                   donated a large sum of money to pay for her food and care ... and when she
       passed they asked them to keep the funds  in her memory and asked the Park what they
                   needed. They said they would love to have a lab where they could do research
             in order to help captive Elephants all over the world. And so it was.
        Because of Fiela and the generosity of a few good people the Park has made great strides
                                                        and continues to do so today......
                  (This was last week during training .... Christina is on the right.. she runs the
                          lab ... she is also in charge of Aeru Shop... and she draws. She's the shit.)

                               But today Lisa (pronounced Liza.... she's german) and I got to
          work in there for the first time ... we were grounding freeze dried Ellie poop samples
                 with a pestle and mortar and then our teammate Anna was weighing them ...
                       I know it sounds gross but like I said the poop is basically straw and dirt
                            at that point...so while it was a bit dusty it wasn't bad at all....
                          AND we got to pound it out so got out some aggression lol ....

                                              Well thats all for now .... Im trying to
                        save stuff for days that I don't have anything to report... so Ill just
                                leave you with some pics of Keisha having a little scratch.


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