Monday, March 26, 2018

SUNDAY and monday.
But Mondays going to be a bit lame considering I worked all day....

This pic is actually from Sat but it was cute so I decided to post it a bit late....

Moving on.....
SO the first place we went to was Monkeyland...and before we even go in the door we
saw this sign ...and since its so accurate I decided to post it....

Just Gemma at the end of the bridge...
Totally not creepy at all....

Bolivian Squirrel Monkey.
Also known as the Piranha of the Jungle because it is so small and nasty.
But I thought it was just as cute as a button.

This is the Madagascar Monkey
(Thats actually not its real name but I wasn't paying attention so I had to improvise)
They are born blind , have exactly 11 white and black stripes which are all different and 
work as a fingerprint..and helps them identify each other.

After that I stopped taking notes because I wanted to enjoy the experience....

This is Marshmallow. 
That is the name I have given him.
Because he looks like a Marshmallow.
(Just in case you needed the clarification)
I want to squeeze the shit out of him !!!
And take him home and make him my pillow.
HE is my spirit animal.

This is Carl.
He was not pleased with us taking pictures of him.
(Notice the middle finger)

This is Carl PISSED.
I did not take this picture (Tanna did) because I ran away so Goddamn fast.
If he was going to kill someone it wasn't going to be me.

And after our near death experience we moved onto Birds of Eden.

Yes... we were also there ....

She was pumped that I kept making her be in pics.

It was pretty lame to be honest...until I saw this little red bird and I went to follow
it down the pathway ...turned the corner and FLAMINGOS!!!!
And yes Ive seen Flamingos before but it was such an unexpected sight
and I got so excited lol....
(Yes Im a dork)

After that we headed over the Plettenberg Game Reserve
to go on our Safari ride.
Greeting us was about 15 of these monsters. ...
(Mom and Cher maybe you shouldn't look lol)
They were about 7 inches in Diameter and yellow and black and super
cool looking.
(Of course I was the only one to think that)
I don't know what kind they were but the workers told us that they were deadly.
(Don't worry we survived)

This is just a cool ass tree...

Its a long story but basically we were supposed to go on the Safari on Saturday and
they fucked up the reservation so we arrived super early on Sunday just in case and then had
an hour to the girls messed around on the playground they had right outside.

Literally ...
I believe this was a modified version of musical chairs...except they were high above the ground
and throwing a rock......
(This is also Tannas Picture)

Then we were serenaded with a beautiful song by Anna
It was quite lovely.

And finally onto the Safari.

This is a Giraffe.
(Beth took this picture...and it cracks me up for some reason)

This is an ostrich.
That is all.

These are Wildebeests
I have no idea what that means but they look like something out of
"Where the Wild Things Are"

And that was it!!
It was another amazing exhausting day...
The driving time was just as much fun as the parks.....
We were split into two cars...but our awesome supervisors let us take
the walkie talkies with us since we don't have international phone plans...
So we were cracking up / singing and relaxing the whole time.

(Or so they say)

So this is Sally.
She threw her trunk over the bar for a few minutes right in front of us as we stood
quietly waiting to start BOMA cleanup at 6:30am.
We were told that she's never done that before and that it means she really likes us
I know she was doing it for me because we have a special connection
and she knows she's my favorite.
It was magical and beautiful.

This is Daisy..Aliyah..Anna and I.
Just doing some field recording.
As you can see it was warm out today....high of 76 with a nice breeze.
(Dont worry I was slathered in sun screen so my skin won't melt off lol)

And this last little gem is the girls first time playing the 'slap game' 
It was strangely violent.
I watched from a distance where it was safe.

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