Wednesday, March 21, 2018

                                                   Rainy Rainy Rainy Wednesday !!!
                                  I had a sleepover companion last night ..his name is Frankie
                 Apparently the room he usually sleeps in was taken by Duke... another resident
                                  cat ... so we were asked it he could spend the night with us.
                       He chose my bed only bc I brought a nice soft blanket with me ...and
             aside from the fact the he took up 99% of the bed and took a three hour bath it was
                                                                      lovely ...... (grin )

                                                This was our incredible view at 6:15 am
                                                              Before the rain started....

So this morning during BOMA cleanup Ann and I had the job of 
cleaning the shed in the night camp.
Aka picking up "dung balls" and transferring them to "poop mountain"
From there they are brought back out into the field to fill holes... used and sold 
as fertilizer to nearby farms.

                                         I (think) this is Madiwa, Shanti, and Amari ..
                     Shanti is def in the middle ... and the three girls are usually together but
                     my identification isn't quite 100% yet so I'm not comfortable committing
                                                             but I'm getting there ...

                                         I wasn't able to get a ton of pics today bc of the
                rain ... I got a lot of videos but I can't seem to upload them on here bc of the low
                           internet speed so as soon as I get home I will try to add some...
                                           So here is a sunset ......

And Ill leave you with a little knowledge.
 These are South African Rands.
1$USD = 11.81$ Rand ...
And the money is beautiful and has the Big 5 animals on it 
And there are dollar coins as well.

Thats all Ive got for now!!
Hasta Mañana
(that means until tomorrow)

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