Thursday, March 15, 2018

                                                                     RAIN DAY !!!!

                  **** Correction...I am here at 'Knysna Elephant Park' not 'Knysna Elephant Sanctuary'
             We are better then them (obv) so make sure you're donating to the correct place  (Grin)   ***      
                                       So I guess rain days during this season are pretty rare....
                    But for me it meant walking around in it for almost two hours but guess what ....
                                                               IT WAS AMAZING !!!
                                     Today my first job at 6:30am was to do a 'Dung walk'
                       And yes...its exactly what it sounds like ... walking around collecting samples
                                         of each elephants dung (poop) for research purposes ....
              The poop was basically just grass and small twigs... so not as gross as you'd think.
          Luckily the guides were very helpful in marking the dung so we didn't need to wait around
              for them to provide us with fresh samples (lol) and we were able to spend the rest of the
                   time following the Ellies to the other side of the field and watch them just be...

The Ellies were LOVING it !!
Seeing them swim is rare since they only really do it when it rains...we were told that its because the water is warmer, a temperature that they prefer ... obv....bc they live in warm climates.
I was too far away to get good pics but I have a video sent to me by Tanna that I am trying to upload.
(update ...the video didn't work Ill have to figure it out another time)

Some of the pics are a big grainy or out of focus since it was rainy and I can
only move around where the guide is ...but a pic of an Ellie is a pic of an Ellie 
Some of our activities were cancelled ...or more on a volunteer basis 
but here is pretty much what we were looking like 

I went out twice...bc of course I wanted to see the Ellies as much as possible...
But after have gone through 2 sets of clothes I had to call it a day ...
So instead I did Data input (inputting (sp?) data from previous days of research)
Today I made some more rubber Ellies and a clay one .. They don't make them currently but Im hoping they will while I'm here bc there're more fun for me to do.
Since we didn't do much I can write about heres some random things..
This is a black swan. I don't know. She lives here too. 
Just never saw one before so I figured what the hell...
This is a pic of the outside of our 'accommodations' .. to the left is the parks restaurant and gift shop
to the right is the Koi (good looks Em) pond and the Ellies !!

Ok so I'm sure I forgot to mention that there are 25 Zebras in the park .. No one really pays them much attention since there are Ellies nearby... but there are here and beautiful and tomorrow 
I will be doing 'Zebra Inventory' to make sure they're all here and accounted for lol.

And last but not least ... Ill leave you with this amazing "Poop Decor" ..
Its referred to as the "snowman" (which I JUST learned when I asked how long it has been there for)
(And the answer to that question was 'since christmas')
(Duh. Of course)

And now I'm off to bed.... 
Post soon!!


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