Thursday, March 29, 2018

So Thursday ......
When I tell you I did nothing today I mean it.
Ok well maybe not nothing but close enough.

Since we had our night in the lodge we got a sleep in and got to see the morning
routine from a whole different angle.
(An angle meaning from up above on the balcony in our PJs)

This is Sally having just another intimate moment with me.
I swear were connected...

We got in some new rain gear ....
Which was very large so we tried to both fit in a pair of pants.
Cleary we forgot we also have large back ends so it didn't make it past our knees.

But the jacket fit !!!!!

Since it was raining all day and I only had two field shifts
(One being Photo Project) 
I didn't leave this room all day pretty much.
I was doodling in pointillism and was told that if I could do some Ellies in the same 
format I wouldn't have to do my Data Entry shift.
So I did that for a few hours .....

And next was Enrichments.
So were making Easter Egg trays for the Ellies !!
We started making our base...."Pellet Cake"
(Which is a Pellet ...Molasses and water mix)

Aliyah and I decided to try one.

They tasted how you'd old dry grass covered in wet tar.
(Although Aliyah didn't seem to mind too much)

After the super painful experience ..
Then we peeled little pumpkins ... our "Eggs" and painted them with food coloring...
and added popcorn...dyed fruit ... turnips and fruit skins.. to make full trays.
I choose to make Sallys because know...were kindred spirits...

Mine actually sucked but oh well....
It was made with love so Im sure Sally won't mind.

Here are the ladies out in the field....
Living the Dream ...
(Photo cred: Ann)
(In fact the rest of these photos are hers ...since I didn't move off my butt all day)

SO thats it for today...
WE have overnight BOMA shifts tonight...
Luckily I blindly picked the 845-1045 shift so it won't be to bad for me
Poor Ann has 3:15 - 4:15 ...
But tomorrow is Elephant Easter and then the Waterfront and the Happy Hour !!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Well its Wednesday !!!!!
Time is flying by so fast...
I can't believe we have less then two weeks left !!

So we had to go to get some things from the off site this morning and there were 9
of us and 5 seats in the pick-up truck.
So four of us   (In case your as bad at math as I am) had to sit in the back
covered section.
I immediately assumed we were going to get arrested since this is illegal in the states
but apparently here its totally fine.
Which was unfortunate considering our diver did a bazillion miles an hour on curvy dirt roads
and we were jostled all over the place.
That being said....It was still fun and we laughed a lot.

This is me trying to figure out how the F to get in ...

"The Survivors"
(This was a before photo we weren't quiet so smiley afterwards)

And as always there were some incredible views....

We finally made it back to the Ellies and were allowed to watch them eat before we
had to start BOMA cleanup.

I prob could have posted a Trillion more pics but I don't want to overdo it 

Once the poop was all cleaned up we just stood there and took it all in.
Watching them graze and just be never ceases to amaze any of us.

This is Christina.
She loves Dung more then anyone Ive ever met.
She got SOOO excited that she found a Pumpkin plant that was growing out of this piece that she
took it back to her room.
(After we took a picture)

And then she found this.
It was like she hit the Jackpot.
OF course she wanted to take them all home .......
But No.
(Although her excitement was almost contagious)

Then back for lunch...
This is a random photo...but I found it odd so I figured what the hell...
SO the girls all got together and got Beth and I some snacks to thank us for driving and I got

They tasted like BBQ.
Thats all.
Ive got nothing witty to say about it.
Shocking I know.

Ok thats all for today ...
Tonight Ann and I have our lodge night...
Which means we get to sleep over the BOMA and watch the Ellies all night
AND we get a sleep in so we don't have to report to work until 8:00am !!
Cant wait.

Until tomorrow !!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

(I literally had no idea what day it was until I asked about an hour ago lol)

So Id like to start this post with a VERY rare...NEVER BEFORE documented
photo of the illustrious 
Heres a little background....Long ago a Zebra mated with an Elephant and even though
the native townspeople thought it was an abomination and would end in death of the mother and child they allowed the mother to carry the baby to term. 
Which she did.
And had the first ever Zebraphant.
I have been lucky enough to find said mystical creature and capture it on film for all to see.
Since I am the first I will now be rich and famous so please....
try not to ask for autographs all at once.

(Thats just Thato with a reflection on her !!)
DUH.. I KNOW I fooled you all !!

Directly after that we got to watch to the Ellies play SOCCER !!!
First they worked with the trainers ... and then they got some ginormous tennis balls out and
they kicked them around and it was AMAZING !!!!!

These next two photos were taken by Ann.
I was taking videos so I missed all the best shots.
Luckily she's the best photographer ever and saved the day.

And then they had them sit.
Which was the cutest thing Ive ever seen.
As you can see.
Because I took a picture.
Its right here.

Just some sunrise pics with the dew on the grass...
The pics don't do it justice.
But it was incredible.

Then Dungwalk !!
Just weighing some shit.
No big deal.

Next I had Photoproject...
Which means I go into the field and am solely responsible for taking photos
and videos of the Ellies for myself and for Aeru to possibly use as training material.
HOWEVER for the majority of my shift the Ellies were grazing in the dead trees so I started 
taking pictures of whatever was around me....
(See Im not lying)

So this is a frosty spider web.

And a Flower with a Fly on it.
Steve the Fly.
Because....why not.

Ohhhhh this is a good one...
These are Ancient African Carvings done by the Zulu's ...
It is also a very rare find and we were super excited to discover it...
Just kidding.
Its just the marks that were made when the bark had fallen off.
(Actually I'm not sure thats accurate but I don't know how else they could have gotten there)
(Unless they really ARE Zulu carvings.)
(Wouldn't that be crazy !!)

And then the Ellies finally came out of hiding 
(Only because tourists arrived and they knew they would be getting fruit...)
**NOTE : all of these photos were taken by my iPhone (with some lens attachments) 
  because I didn't want to lug my big camera all over the place so if they suck...STFU
and pretend they don't. Thanks in advance 

This is Shepherd. Hes the happiest guide there is.
Always laughing and smiling ..

I don't know WTF this is ....
But it was growing out of the wall.. and looked interesting ...

OK so Thats all I got for today !!!

Tomorrow we get to go visit Harry ....Sally's maybe brother? ...
He used to be here but they moved him and his heard to another facility because 
they needed his mate? to father 5 orphans.
Yeah I know....confusing.

See you Tomorrow !!