Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pirates Week : : : A Birds eye View

Im back. I had to take an unexpected trip to NY for a few days.
But thats a WHOLE other Blog.

(You'll see......)

Back to Pirates Week.
(Im SOOO freiking FAR BEHIND)
(Jeeze...I have Thanksgiving and Spin Splash...)
(BUT Im going to be all caught up by the end of this week)
(I hope)
(My comp says 'freaking' is spelt wrong. Is it because its a slang word?)
(Or should it be 'Freaking'...No I think it SOUNDS like Fricking)
(And its Draw....not Draw-ER)
(So awkward to say..and EVERYONE comments.)
(Eat it.)
(I just learned how to spell awkward)

Fact of the Day : : : Washington State is NOT really that cold because Japans currents keep it
rather warm, that and the fact that its surrounded by Mountains. 
(I did not google this but DID discuss it with many of my Washington State tables)
(So if this is incorrect I am taking NO responsibility for it)
(Its interesting...Washington is the only state where people use the word state at the end.)
(That was a weird sentence but I think you get what Im saying)

PIRATES WEEK ::: A birds eye view because I was shooting from the roof ..
(Is it weird that I want the girl on the lefts boots?)
(To wear on days other than pirates week?)

(Anyone who bites on a SHARP SWORD is Bad-Ass in my book!)

(The Landing)
(I think their...No I have no idea what was going on here)

(OH NO!!!)
(The Pirates are Coming!!!)
(Im just trying to get you in the mood!)
(I did get nervous that that guy wasn't going to make it back into the boat)
(He did by the way. Make it back in...the BOAT)

(This is wrong on so many levels.)
(And I have no idea why their burring this gigantic paper woman)
(But at least they burned a blonde and not a Brunette !! )

( )

( )

(Oh, did you guys know Digicel was a sponsor?)
(In case you didn't notice all the flags that pretty much BLOCKED EVERYTHING)
(No, not bitter in the least)

(Everyone wants a pic with the Pirates)
(Although I don't know if Pirates wore flip flops)
(Buy hey...who am I to judge?)
(I wore flip flops in Dec in NY..pretty much everywhere I was allowed)
(Thats an inside story)
(Stop being nosey)

(This popping confetti was SERIOUS business...)
(There was a lot of yelling and stress and coordinating going on here)
(Who knew?)

(But it was all worth it !! )


                                The Parade : : Tricky to shoot from the roof but HAD to share!!
           (So Different from the NY Parades Im used to but way better than the dinky town ones)
                                      (I meant the parades were kinda Dinky. Not the towns.)
                                    (Jeeze being PC really makes a lot of extra writing for me)
(Marching Band?)
(I would like to apologize for not getting any information on the parade and its floats.)
(I totally should have...)
(I will not let it happen again)
(And If I do...then too damn bad..)

(I feel like a Boy would take a pic of this car.)
(Im not stereotypical)
(Just stating the facts)

( )

(I just sounded it out 100 times and I don't know what Im missing)
(Kim and Kris....How do you spell it???)
(ANYWAY....I think its the Gov. and his wife...being Kidnapped)
(Nooo...its ok...there not the real ones)
(And there just ACTING)

("You killed my father...Prepare to die!!")
(So I can make fun of you)
(Sorry got of course there...just love my Family)
(And your just going to have to deal with that)

(Apparently this guy lives here and is totally normal)
(Well as normal as you can be after dressing up like this!)
(I hope he doesn't find me and kill me for that)
(See what I did there?)

( )

( )

( )

(UM...This is just SILLY!)
(And I totally don't get it!!)

(I wish I had this in my car.....)

( )

(Steel Drums on wheels.)

(I cant take his little mustache!!)
(I spelt mustache right on the SECOND TRY!!)
(Im getting better at this!!)
(Shut up about Gov.)
(You had to bring it up didn't you...)

( )

( )

(I get that there are sponsors...but come on...)
(They couldn't even untangle the beads..)

(Miss Cayman)
(In case you couldn't figure out what the second word on her sash would be.)

(YES my favorite part..)
(Wanted to jump down and dance with them!!)
(But I was on the roof..if I jumped Id probably be dead.)
(No Bueno)
(That means 'No Good' in spanish)

(GET UM!!)

(This was kinda fun also)
(I want to buy my dad that fish hat)
(I bet he'd totally wear it!)

( )

( ? )

'A Moving History'

( )

(There are a MILLION Cayman "Women")
(I didn't know what to refer to them as...Cayman Beauties?)
(Oooo I like that better..)
(There are a MILLION Cayman Beauties)


(Oh My)
(We had many different kinds of Pirates here)
(From...Hippies to Gene Simmons)
(I didn't describe the woman in the middle bc I couldn't find a word that wouldn't
potentially be offensive to someone)
(Although me telling you that is probably just as bad)
(But Im not being specific so.......)

(In a bathtub)
(In the middle of a parade)
(Not weird at all)

(Harley Pirates)
(Yes they really DO exist)

(If you write in all caps it wont tell you that the word is spelled incorrectly)
(This is NOT GOOD)

( )

(I used to watch 'Little house on the Prairie' and always wanted on of those 'Sleep Hats')
(True story)
(Christmas is coming)
(Just saying)
(The ones in the case you thought people would wear the ones in the backseat to bed)
(Because They wouldn't)

(Their called "FWM")
(Farmers with Mic's)
(No....not really)
(But thats what I would call them)

(I think she's the Real Deal)


( )

(You'd think one would be a little happier sitting on a GIANT BEER TRUCK)
(But hey...maybe thats just me)

(And no parade is complete without people dancing behind a "Foam Truck")
(And that dude/chic on the left freaks me out)
(Well maybe just the pants do.)
(And the violent way he's holding that sword)
(And his super angry face)
(And I think he's missing a hand.)
(Apparently Ive decided that is a dude.)

(Its not Ghetto.)
(Its makeshift)
(And when I go back to the states Im putting one on the back of my car)
(And you are WELCOME to come dance behind me)

OK so no Random Pic of the day....
There actually was one..the weird dude with the mask driving the truck...
But bloodspot wouldn't let me MOVE it to the bottom...So ...
(THAT is incredibly strange.)
As I was saying...oh wait I was done. That was it.

Tomorrow is SPIN SPLASH!!!
YES I know Finally.
Stop giving me a hard time here !!

COUNTDOWN TO JOANNE'S VISIT : : : 4 Days....!!!!!!!

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