Saturday, December 25, 2010

CB2 :: Lights F..H..

                                want to know what my
                                                       super fun title stands for!!
                        WEllllllll it means : : : Caymana Bay 2 ... Lights ...Fountain ...Hammock!
                                       Yes Im aware that your still confused...just read on...

         Fact of the Day :: Well remember when I wrote about the Munchkin Cats?
                           (If you don't remember then you haven't been keeping up and I hate you.)
                                                     (Just Kidding)           (Not really)
                     Anyway I received an email a while back from Jeff Howard at
                        and he actually needs help to find good homes to those CUTIE CATS...
                     SOOO log on to
                            and pick one of those little munchkins up!!! Id be ALL over it if I was in the 
                                             states....SAVE THE MUNCHKIN CATS !!!!!!
                            (And I don't know why my letters are smaller annoying)

Before we start Id like to reiterate that....JOANNE is HERE!!!!
(Well she's not actually here anymore because Im behind in my blogs...again...but she WAS
here last week for a WHOLE nine days!!!)

(Public Beach....arrival day...12.12.10)

(BeerRITA  at Billy Bones)
(A BeerRita is a pitcher full of Margaritas with a Carona flipped upside down)
(In case that was too complicated for you to figure out on your own)

Now on to : : :   CAYMANA BAY   12.15.10
( )

(Donnie...I HOPE that this was in her driveway this morning!!)

(Because she DID ask Santa for it!!)

The Watch Tower : : : There is a GIANT Mosaic of a BEAUTIFUL Oceanic Scene...    
 (This is actually a replication of a Photograph which Ive seen hanging in the Ritz Gallery)
(It goes from floor to ceiling )

( )

                 The best is always found at the top :::
( )

( )

      (  )

                                                                                 (  )
Angles :::
( )

(Love it )

                    Outside :::
(  )

(  )

            FOUNTAIN :::
( B )

( G )

(This is what it looks like when you turn everything UPP)
(MEANING ::: pushing all of the iphoto options to the right)
(If you STILL don't know what that means....then don't worry about it!!)

( O )

( P )

( N )
(Oooooo Threw you off didn't I !!???)
(What does 'N' stand for??)

( Steel )
(Yes Steel Blue is a color)
(Also known as Slate Blue)

( P 2 )
(I like this one better)
(If I had to choose)
(Which I don't.)

(The big blue Cayman Christmas tree)
(The balls were huge)
(Don't be a pervert)

The Island : : :
(  )

( A hard roped Lantern)

(  )

                  HAMMOCK  Time :::
(YAY theres my little JOANNE !!)
(Finally in a Hammock)
(In Cayman)
(With me)
<'Perf' is 'Perfect' Obv...and I stole it from Chels.)
(Thank you Chels.)

A Sequence ::: From Traditional to Hysterical
(Just your normal everyday pose)

(And then we jump right into Chels giving it to Jo in her favorite place)
(Just kidding about that)

(On to the random foot eating portion)
(I don't know)
(Seriously.....I don't know)

(And RELEASE.......)

(And EAT SAND !!!!)
(Not sure HOW but somewhere during the swing we all got a mouthful of sand)
(It was crunchy and delish)
(The sand that got into our eyes was also wonderful)

(And then of course we had to reenact the event)
(As in eating sand)
(Yes thats was I was doing also even though Kristin looks way better)
(But I had the camera remote in the other hand so it was just super awkward)
(Ok maybe I am just super awkward)
(Nope thats not it.)
(It was the remote....)


(  )

(  )

(I don't know why but this reminded me of Manhattan)
(The Subways I guess)
(NO NOT the color)
(Goodness your so literal) 

The fountains of FIRE :::
(Just kidding)
(About the fire part)
(I was just trying to be dramatic)
(But I AM obsessed with this new merging photos process)
(Its cheating actually)
(This way I can put up way more photos without having to wait for them to upload)
(ALWAYS trying to beat the system)
(SO THERE stupid photo uploader!!)
(Whose got the power now!!)
(Bet you forgot that Im a 'G')
(Well u best remember suckaaaaa!)

(  )

(Hummmm.....this one kind of looks like a 'Fountain of Fire')
(I must be psychic)
(I saw a 'broken heart' when I first looked at this picture)
(Thats why I made it red)
(Because hearts are red)
(And so are fire engines.)
(But thats neither here nor there)
(That expression's weird too)
(If it not here or there then where the hell is it?)

OK thats it for is Christina's Bday Boat Blowout !!!
(No one actually called it that but I like that there are a lot of B's !)


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