Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dedicated to ::: An Angel

This post I'm going to keep as simple as possible : : :
It is dedicated to my Grandma Helen.
She passed away a week ago and I flew home to go to the funeral.
And see my family.
This was my trip. In order.

Grandma Helens Ornament : :

The Flight into NY

                                     Manhattan : :

                   Brewster : : My home town....

                                          ( 187 meant "I Love You" in pager talk back in the day)

                    Cows : :

                                                  (Poster child for "Mad Cow Disease" )

(Yes horses can scratch their backs)

                     Owen : : (My handsome Nephew)

                                      Miles : : (My handsome Godson)

                                   Horse : : (In our neighbors backyard)

The Fam : : 

                                  (My mom INSISTED we take a family photo. Im glad she did.)

The Larca Tree : : 

           Manhattan from the Throgs Neck Bridge : : (While my Dad was driving...tricky)

The Flight back to Cayman : : 

                                                (Duct Tape really CAN be used for everything!!)

                The HUGE Cayman Airport.
           (Just Kidding....its not huge)
               (In case you cant figure that one out.....from the pic...that your looking at)


             RANDOM Head.
                  (Also in my neighbors backyard)

Next were on to happier Chels's open Mic and CB2WJ and CBP !!!
AND MORE : : : 


  1. Just a quick heads up and I could be wrong but....the picture with the mailbox number...143 was I love you back in the day - a number for how many letters were in each word. 187 is Police code for a homicide.

  2. HAHA I know...about 10 ppl already pointed it out to me...
    I will do a
    Good looks though!!
