Sunday, December 12, 2010

Walk on Water? ... Cardboard Boats?

I would like to begin today by re-apologizing for my spelling and grammar...
Even though I double check it before I post it I STILL happen to miss some things.
And Kristin is going to kill me. Kim too Im sure.

That might be the best FOTD EVER !!!

Ok onto the blog...finally.....
The last of the Pirates Week Activities consisted of the 'Walk on Water' Competition and the
'Cardboard Boat Races'
Yes...I also thought these things were strange since they both seem IMPOSSIBLE...
But Ive learned that here in Cayman, NOTHING is impossible.....

WALK ON WATER : : :  11.20.10
(These are the 'walk on water' Shoes...)
(And yes it took 2 people to get the contestants ready)

(Apparently EVERYONE fuels up with a beer.)
(Would Cayman have it any other way?)

(C. D. L.)
(Keep an eye on Dave because it will be the LAST time you'll see him standing)
(AND there he goes...)
(Maybe we should have rethought those beers!)

(So far...)
(There were about 7 separate races and the winners competed against each other for the 
grand prizes...which included..YES you guessed it...a 12 pack of BEER !!!)

(What an interesting invention)


( wasn't so bad that he knocked down a woman...I mean all's fair in a CO-ED
competition...what WAS so bad was that there was some RANDOM 
woman who proceeded to follow Brad around all day and harass him about
it AND call him a Scumbag for doing it.)
(Im not actually sure that 'Scumbag' is the exact word she used...but it was something to
that effect.)
(Affect or effect? Hum whats the rule with that again?)

(And GLOATING about it!)

(If you cant beat um'....throw something at them!!)

(The "Shoes")
(These were some seriously thought out shoes...they were like mini 'docks')

(THE BEST assistant EVER !!!)

(Using a sail is NOT cheating)
(Especially if its an AMERICAN flag !!!)

(Ex-Pat my ass....)

(The women Held it DOWN !!!)

( boss works very hard.)

(Stretching it out....)

(I know)
(One mans victory dance is another's Butt.)

(The best offense is a good defense)
(Or a foam paddle to the back)

(I just wanted to point out what happens when men compete)
(Such violence !)
(Look at the guys face in the left pic)
(He means Business)
(People will do ANYTHING for a 12 pack)


( )

(Second place BRAD !!)

(Random Pirate Guy.)
(Drinking a beer)
(At 11:00 AM)

(The winners circle)
(Well its not really a circle...the winners 'line')
(I have no idea who that woman is....or why their taking pics with her)
(Maybe because she has a gun)

(Sweet Love)

( B )
(First is the worst.....second is the BEST)

                  CARDBOARD BOAT RACES :::
(This boat crew had a whole EGYPTIAN entourage)

(Complete with grapes and a little man to 'fan')
(Where can I get me one of those?)

(Rubber Duckie)
(This is for you Kris)

(There were about 20 boats...all made out of cardboard and duct tape)
(Some of them were very impressive / creative)
(They had to get afloat...and travel out past the 'Pirate Ship' and come back to shore)
(Some made it...and as you will see MANY did not !!)

                                                                                     ( )

( )

( )

( Love it )

( )

(I don't know if this counts as a boat)
(But I guess anything goes !!)

(If it doesn't work right side up....flip it over !!)
(Oooo that could be dirty)
(Sorry mind in the gutter.......)

('We all live in a Yellow Submarine')

( )

(Ahhh.....the poor cavemen)
(They managed to get about 30 feet out...and then ran into you can see)
(But they didn't give up)
(And hey....they are CAVEMEN...did you EXPECT them to have a MODERN boat?)

(Half underwater....and yet STILL paddling)
(They should have won an award for DETERMINATION)
(They actually might have....I left before the awards were given out)
(We forgot that when you sit in the Caribbean for 3 hours you FRY)

           AND NOW.....for the 'Flipped Boat' section :::
( )

( )

And THIS concludes PIRATES WEEK :::
It was super fun and.....different
Next is Thanksgiving....
Yes I am aware that I am STILL behind...but Im catching up....

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