Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanksgiving in Cayman....BPB's !!

                                          OOOOoooo you want to know what 'BPB's' stands for?
                                    TOOOO bad.....you must read the WHOLE blog to find out....

    FOTD :: (Sorry...getting too lazy to write the whole thing) Deal.
             THIS (Look below) (I wish there was a down arrow symbol on this comp...)
                              (Do you think there is?)
                 Anyway....THIS is a picture from 'MO-Vember'....which was a fund raiser to raise
                      awareness for testicular cancer. At the beginning of Nov...clean shaven men walked
                      into the space and registered for the event....All month long they grew their 'staches
                      into a shape that represented the 'character' that they had chosen)
                          (i.e The 'stache below represents a Mexican) (I think Mexican.....)
            I couldn't attend the event but wanted to let you know that this FUN-NESS does go on here...

(C n C)

And NOW the moment you've been waiting for : : : 

                                THANKSGIVING : : :  11.25.10
                                             Christina R. and Dave V.'s home.
                                                    (Oh. And S.S. also)
(C icing some THANKSGIVING HOMEMADE Oreo Cheesecake)

(E with some BAKED Mac and Cheese)

(D making some Empanadas)

(Turkey Icing)

( )

(See that Empanada with the BIG S on it?)
(Well that was supposed to be mine...and then it 'Disappeared')
(MABYE it disappeared bc it had cheese and hot sauce and jerk sauce in it)
(And it was going to be DELICIOUS)
(I know your out there S stealer...and Ill find you....)


( )

( )

(The Turkey went in at 11am.)
(It wasn't even close to being done at this point)

(I have no words)

( )

(What is the craftiest way to chop warm soft bacon?)

(Ok...everything cool....were good...)

(Oh what Dave? The thermometer is broken?)
(Oh huh? We are reading it upside down?)
(ITs 60000 degrees in there? Is that possible?)

(Christinas Amazing Turkey)

(And perfectly sweet Cranberry sauce)

(THATS RIGHT....I Made these...what what !!)

(I made the stuffing too!!)
(Theres not job thats too hard for me!!)

(Ericas MAC and CHz....with Salsa....OMG)

(They look nervous)

( )

(WHAT?? AT Thanksgiving?? I KNOW!!!!)

(Tasha's HAm)
(Well kinda.....)

(Deep Fried Turkey)
(I didn't get to try it but the reviews were INCREDIBLE)
("Juicy as all get out")
("Falls right off the bone")
("I would marry a Deep Fried Chicken")
(Ok that last one was a lie.)
( I made it up.)
(But wouldn't it have weird if someone had said actually said that?)
(Someone besides me I mean...)
( )
(I think Bill made this???)

(We also had.....Two String Bean Cass. 
Two Sweet Potato Cass.
Two kinds of stuffing
Creamed Corn
Whole Corn
Roasted Red Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Pumpkin Pie
(I think it was pumpkin pie....)

(I know this pic isn't exactly blog material quality...BUT I had to show you the
PERFECT plates Erica and I bought....People made snide comments
but I think in the end they won people over....)
(ESPECIALLY people like me who like to ....
"Keep it Separated" )
(Remember that song?)

(And OF COURSE there were Thanksgiving SHOTS)

(C. C. and E's Fingers )

(A TOAST....To our  Cayman Thanksgiving Family)

(Thank you everyone for coming together and making this holiday a memorable one....)

                     Random EVENT of the Day ::: And the answer to the BPB's question

             BEER PONG BITCHES !!!!  (I apologize for the profanity)
(Erica...making a serious shot here folks...CAN she do it?? )

(Dave here...making a NOT so serious shot...and he will NOT do it...)
(Not with that attitude)

(I just wanted to show how SERIOUS this beer pong competition is .....
(TRUE...the winner DOES get two free tickets to Vegas and a chance to win 10,000$ in
the Vegas Competition....but FIVE TYPED PAGES of Beer Pong Rules and REgulations?)
(Don't you think thats a LITTLE extreme?)

(Well if you didn't think that was...you HAVE to think this one is....)
(WHO doesn't know this stuff?)
(I LOATHE BP but I still KNOW how to PLAY it!!!)

OkWell thats that. Finally reached Thanksgiving....
Next will be N.Y.
(Im only giving you the initials so I don't give it away)
(Get it?)
(Get the joke?)

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