Friday, December 10, 2010


In the middle of pirates week was the Spin Boat / Spin Splash Party....which is 
exactly what it sounds like. 160 people on a party boat with a huge bar and D.J's.

I would like to personally thank Kristin K. and Tony C. for taking over the photo reins
and allowing me to put down my camera and enjoy myself for a little while.
Many of these pics are theirs and they did an AMAZING job...
(I would like to retract my initial statement...bc thanking someone on a blog is the
exact OPPOSITE of I would like to change it to : :
I would like to PUBLICLY thank Kristin K and Tony C. for ............
(You know the rest..and if you don't...LOOK UP for christ's sake...)
(Jeeze so Lazy....)

Fact of The Day ::: Just because you live in the Cayman Islands doesn't mean you don't need a blanket.
Yes, its true...I am lying in bed right now in socks, pants, a long sleeve shirt
under a sheet and a blanket. And Im still slightly cold.
(And NO my AC is not on.... What a dumb question)
It is about 68 degrees and I wish I had my down comforter.
(And I made FUN of people who said I would be the same way..wishing for a scarf)

SPIN SPLASH ::: 11. 14. 10
( )


(Yes. Sweet)

(E n M. B)
(Yo your initials are like Eminems !!!)

(My competition. Grrrrrr)
It describes anything from an"Angry-sound" to a "Pretending-to-be Angry-Sound"
Use your best judgement in the future to decide which one>

( )

( Yes it is dark out.)
    (The party went on well into the night....)
(And your correct...this pic is out of order)
(Good Eye !!)


(This is almost TOO much fun for one pic)

(LOOK at hall tall this chic is !!)
(Woman like this are frightening to me)
(Only bc she could step on me...I could def take her in a fight !!)

( )

                                  WARNING :: This pic is moderately inappropriate .....
                                        (But the composition is so good I had to keep it)
(I know)
(I don't want to talk about it either)

(DJ Lizzy Curious)
(Jammin' Out !! )

( )

( )

(Love Coldplay)
(Its a group)
(Lets just move on)

STINGRAYS !!  The boat docked at Sting Ray City for about an hour ... Amazing.
(Jump !!)
(But don't jump on the Sting Rays)
(Yeah right there were like 30 of them)
(We stood up there waiting for like 5 minutes for our chance !! )

                                                                                 ( )

(A Trained Handler)
(B - that makes you sound so professional...)

('And she's going in ....')
(Thats in quotes bc Kristin said it the first time she saw this pic...and I like it)

(There is no quotes bc I just made that up.)
(She's not the ONLY clever girl on this Island!!)

(I haven't posted a purple pic in a while sooo..... )

(Oh yes....there are Chicken Fights in Cayman)
(Seriously...I have photo evidence)

(I was the Referee)


(Oh a shot? )
(How rare on this Island)

(Two Girls..One Blanket)
(Cracks me UP !!!!)
(You know like 'Two girls..One cup")
(Google it.)
(You'll LOVE it)
(ITs actually really gross so If your the faint of heart DONT google it)
(Really....Im not taking responsibility for what happens if you do)

(There were butts of all different shapes and sizes here....)
(And lets just leave it at that)

                                               (Apparently we left some passengers behind.....)

(C n T )

(T n M )

( )


(Those are some huge boobs)

(I know I know)
      (I tried something new) 
(ITs actually because their both so HOTT !!)
(Get it? Because Red = hot ......Hot things turn a stove?)
(That was an easy gotta keep up here...)
( )

(Blurry Memories)
(Blurry because the pic is blurry...not bc the person holding the camera was drunk)

( I like to call this...'The Armpit Smell')
(I would also like to point out the guy in the back...the ONLY one who smiled for this pic)
(Can you see him?)
(Oooh this is like Wheres Waldo !!)
(OR like "I spy".....OK...I Spy something..... orange....)
(YES the VISOR in the deep right!!)
(GOOD JOB!!!) 
(Love this game....)

(I was not here to see this, but apparently there were some professionals on board!)
(We began to try and pole dance...BUT... then we decided we might want to get lessons first)

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

(Hummmm....I think these two would look good together)
(They should date...)
(Maybe Ill try and set that up)
(JUST KIDDING bc they DO date!!)
(Ok ok lame joke)
(I think it was funnier in my head...)
(Oh well cant win them all...)

(Jk. It was actually the most Unnecessarily DRAMATIC form ever)
(But whateves ... Im learning...)
(I don't throw like that anymore....Seriously)

(Me and E)

(And as the day progressed........)
(I must have seen at least 50 Body Shots that day)
(Thats all I have to say about that)

Well I have to say it was a good time, but thank goodness it only goes out once every few months.
I could def not handle it more often than that. Their right...Drinking in Cayman is a sport.
Thank Goodness I don't play all sports.
I don't think my bank account OR my liver could handle it!!

I don't really want to talk to you people anymore tonight so Ill leave you with this...

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because he was dead.
 (I know..... terrible)

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