Tuesday, December 28, 2010


What is YOB??
HAPPPPPY BDAY...12 Days Ago....
Lo Siento doce días mas tarde
(Thats means 'Im sorry its 12 days late' )
"Donde esta la biblioteca Pedro?"
(Thats from Dodgeball)
(Im not translating that)
(You should be able to do it yourself.)
(And if you cant I wouldn't admit it to anyone!!)

HAPPY HOUR BOAT ::: 12.16.10    
(The banner of Possible Death)
(Let me explain)
(You know what...Im not going to)
(Have to leave SOMETHING to the imagination)

(THIS is the kind of cake you can get in short notice in Cayman)

(  )

( YES !!!!)
(Al is ALWAYS sleeping!!)
(Al...your a good sport!!)

(Ray obv didn't get the memo that this was a "G" Picture)

(Would you like come Crackers for that CHESSE??)
(Haha..."Would you like some fries with that shake")
('The Little Rascals')
(Great Movie...)
("I got a pickle..I got a pickle...I got a pickle today.. hey hey...Are these kosher?")
(Actors : make a questioning quester)
(Ok Ill stop)
(Even though I don't want to)

(I love everything about this picture)

        The REVEAL ::: (Shut up Kristin. This is not grammatically incorrect ...and if it is....DEAL !!)
(  )

(  )

(  )

(She THOUGHT she was going on a quite romantic dinner with her man....)

(I have soo many kissing pics of these two)
(Either their madly in love...or I just have AMAZING timing)

(  )

(She had NO IDEA....hence the tears)
(ITS OK....their tears of JOY !!)

(  )

(Secret Service)
(Yes he is our PERSONAL SS)
(Don't tell anyone though their supposed to remain anonymous)
(Really...its a big deal kinda...)

(  )

(  )

( Al's sleeping again..)
(But whats funny is...this time I didn't TELL him to be sleeping..)

(  )

(There is NOTHING 'Right-On' about this picture)
(If you don't get the 'R-O' then you need to broaden your horizons)


(The two on the right are in love...)
(Perfect match)
(Sooo cute!)

(  )

(There is a Ninja in this photo)
(Can you find him?)
(I have to tell you that If you CAN see him...its only because he WANTS you too)
(If he was ON DUTY...well I think I've released enough info for one day)

(  )

( SS is checking with this guy to make sure he's of no harm to anyone)
(SS...you really don't remember what that means?)
(Im not helping you out)
(Stop being lazy and backtrack)

(  )

(The random arm coming form the right is there to point out the fact that Roger actually agreed to
to be in this picture)
(The power of Birthdays)
(And Boobs)
(Sorry but it had to be said Chris...)

(The Picture on the right was taken by Erica)
(Excellent lighting Chica!!)
(I said Chica because Erica's Puerto Rican)
(And.... Puerto Ricans speak Spanish?)
(KEEP UP !!)

(Nope not helping you with this one either)

( Thats my bitch...)
(SOOOO glad you were on that boat with me)

(  )


(Why does that guy look so scared/ stupefied)

( GET IT GIRL !!!)
(Not only is she an excellent 'Swinger'...but an excellent Teacher !!)
(And by 'Swinger' I don't mean she engages in inappropriate acts with other couples)
(I mean 'swinging on the pole' in a completely professional manner)
(And by 'professional' I mean skillful...not skanky)
(Sometimes you just have to clarify these things...and anything involving poles and swinging...)
(Well you know where Im going...)

(The Official shot of the Island)

(And this is why I DONT drink)

(No boat trip is complete without this chic taking her clothes off)

( Thanks for bartending Kirsten )

(Lighting candles....on a boat + wind + alcohol = A familiar joke)
(Oh you want to hear the joke?)
(OK....How many people does it take to light 5 candles on a baby cake?)
(About 6.)
(Thats the real answer. And we couldn't even get them all....)

(  )


(She's actually 23.)
(But I saw 32 and got excited)
(Then I wouldn't be the oldest....Boooo)

( And here we go again....)
(Im gunna say now for sure that its because there Madly in Love)

(And what lesson did we learn today kids?)
(That when alcohol is around no one cares about the cake)
(Poor cake)
(You did a good job buddy...)
(Be proud)
(You were still the star of the show and we couldn't have done it without you)

             GROUP PHOTO :::  Well as much of the group as we could fit ......


Well the end of this blog...Not the end of life...
Your sooo dramatic....

Oh...One last thing....I have decided to take the Fact of The Day and tweak it a little.
(I love the word Tweak) 
It will now be called Daily Knowledge. 
(Because it sounds a bit classier)
(And It will be located on the bottom...so if your Not interested you can just skip it!)
It will start tomorrow...
(And by tomorrow I mean the next time I blog)

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