Sunday, November 28, 2010

ARGGG.....PIRATES week :: The beginning...

AHOY MATEY's  !!!!!! (That MIGHT not be the correct spelling...)

Fact Of The Day : : Microphones: : Apparently there are 'Diaphragms' (That IS the correct spelling) inside the Mic that allow the artist to choose the amount of background noise it takes in. The
wider the D the more background you'll get, but will allow you to hold the mic however you want.
The More narrow the D is, the clearer sound is with less 'noise', but must be held directly
in front of the mouth or it wont register.
(Ok so clearly I have no idea about any of this...and I forgot all the details so I Googled it..of course..
AND was so confused after 3 minutes of reading that I just gave up. Too technical for me...So I 
cant vouch for that...Im not sure that I even used the right words...BUT I do know that somewhere in all
that is a true statement....)
(That might have been the most UNreliable FOTD ever)
((But Im sticking to it!)
(So there.)

(That is the first time that I ever ENLARGED a title.)
(THAT is because Pirates Week is a BIG deal here...They go all out :::)
(Its such a big deal that I have THREE full posts about it)

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY :::  11.12.10 -- 11.13.10
 I took pics with Three different Cameras these few days and
forgot to merge them when I uploaded.. soo there is really NO order at all.
But to clarify...Friday night was the STREET FAIR which included Fireworks and 
Miss Cayman Costume contest...THREE separate "Concerts" and FOOD galore!!
SATURDAY was "The Landing" and the "Parade" and Margaritavilles DJ Lizzy Curious Show
in one room and the Pacquiao Fight in another...

(OH YES...we DRESSED it up!!)
(Hows that for FLAIR !!)

(M + E)

(RICARDO went ALL OUT...I was super impressed!!)


(Apparently Flashdance and Pirates wear similar attire !!)


(XEILA !!)
(Super cool spelling but I had no idea how to pronounce it)

(RYAN !!)


(Servers with Swords = A HUGE tip)

(Random Pirate Number One)

(A First Pumping Pirates Wife)
(Only in the Caymans)

                                                              (WALK the PLANK)
(And then put the plank back real fast so The person whose running to tell on you will look stupid
by the time she gets back with the GM.)

(Ah. There is such a long back story to this.)
(But I will say this...the "Colored" one ran around the Island all week in her "Belly-Dancing Coin Gypsy Skirt" flitzing around like a "Fairie Child")
(Which might not have been as weird if it wasn't PIRATES WEEK)

    FIREWORKS ::: I know Firework Pics can get boring...So I just took a few and Played with the
                                     Colors of them....(I actually took 50 of them but only POSTED four.)
                                                     (Such a Heavy Trigger Finger I have...........)
     (Im not going to explain the hopes that your all smart enough to figure it out on your own)
                                                                   (Don't let me down...)

                                                                                       ( )
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(Random Pirate Number Two)

(Doesn't that Cheeseburger look real?)

(Signing competition)
(She was pretty good)

(Proof that Child Labor Boards do not come to the Caymans)

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         (Mannish Water Soup :: A Traditional Jamaica Soup comprised of Various Goat Parts...
              sometimes including the Head and the Brains.)(And Ive heard intestines also)
                                                                   (NO COMMENT)

(Its French for "Im gunna Slice you sucka!")

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(There was enough food to Feed TEXAS here...and yet KFC was still BUMPIN !!)
(And yes Texas is WAY bigger than the Caymans)

(Pirates + Sprite + Purple Beads = Grand Cayman)

    Best Cayman Costume Contest :: (That might not have been the actual Title..But thats what it was)
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(No, I have no idea what Number 7's costume is )

(The WINNER...a Turtle...Surprise Surprise)

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(The Pirate Ship..)

(The Strongest Floridian Ever Captured on Film)


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               An EAGLE - Eyes View ::  From the Roof of Margaritaville . . .
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(Aww Dave, Look at your little....Sword...)

Random Pic of the Day : : : Ok First off I would like to say that I did not make this pic XLArge
because I didn't want to offend anyone....
SECONDLY Id like to say that its not the fact that he's wearing it that upsets me, but the
fact that they MAKE THEM THAT SMALL.
European or not. Come on. MY bathing suits cover more....
(And Erica just pointed out that his butt PROCLAIMS that its a 10.)
(Please....Id give it a 2)

Ok well thats it for the first day....The rest of the weekend is to follow.......

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