Tuesday, January 4, 2011

FP....and RB3

(Thats 3..the way the owl says it when he licks the lollypop)
(Don't even tell me you don't know 'How many licks it takes')
(Tootsie Pops??)

Ok....so these pics are pretty bad bc I used my little point and shoot with no tripod...
I thought they would come out ok...well a few did...but I just wanted you to see
JOANNE's FIRST Foam Party Experience...and Mine!!

Foam Party :::  12.25.11
(Or the closest Ill get to it here....)
(Foam...Snow...same thing...)
(Minus the cold...plus the bathing suit....)
(Ok not really the same thing at all....but I get what I can...)

(Foam Boots!)
(There at the height of fashion right now....)
(And SUPER cheap)

(Thats pronounced 'Excess')
(Bumping it from the Roof!!)

(No FP is complete without a little coconut bra)

(Yes.....those were for us...)
(We roll deep)

( )

(Lost in the snow)

('Snow Beard')

(Joanne's BEFORE)
(All cute and dry....and sober)
(There actually is no AFTER pic bc my stupid battery died....but I will tell you that 
there were lots of drinks...and "snow slide' rides)
(And splashing...but thats a wholllle other story...)

('Walking in a Winter Wonderland.....')

(Thats what I kept yelling at them)
(Couldn't pass up the opportunity with the Cayman Snow)

(Im not going to write the word Snow anymore)
(Well at least Im going to try)
(I do miss it)
(I know you think Im crazy....but the grass is always greener)
(Or the 'Snow is always...colder? Whiter?)
(Moving on....)


(Id like to call this one..."GET THIS CHIC A sandwich")

(AHHH I said Snow again.)

(The little Pinkies)

(Doesn't that kind of look like mountains up close?)
(Use your imagination people)

(No these ones don't look mountains)
(Because Mountains are not florescent green)
(Well I guess their not florescent purple either....)

And now to the second part of the Blog....

Rics Boat (Tha-ree) ::: 12.19.10
(We've already discussed the 'Tha-ree')
(Not going over it again)
(Pay attention)
( )

(5 smiles out of 7 'aint bad)

(4 out of 7 is.)
(THIS is because we waited to take off for 2 hours)
(That is bc 40 people showed up and we had to wait for another boat)
(Oh yes....here in Cayman you can just call your boy and have him bring another boat)
(Must be nice)

(Rum Point)
(The place to be on Sundays....)

(Random dancing girl)
(Who I think just got a job at Margaritaville)
(Don't know why I told you that)
(Just love throwing useless info out there I guess...)

(Love this pic)

( )

( )

(Captain Ric)

(JOANNE !!!!)
(I love that your in these Pics love!!)
(Miss you......)
(I would have done the 8-( but I think its a little tacky for a blog)
(And that one doesn't count bc I was just explaining it to you.)

( )

( )

(Out to sea...)


( )


(Read these signs)
(There funny)

( )

( )

( )

( )

(Me and my girl....)

(X and R)
(If you switch their initials around there a 'Prescription')
(Get it?)

(This is my favorite pic of the day....)

(Whats super romantic about this is that I did not set it up)
(There just that damn cute with each other)
(I know I know....nauseating for all you singles out there)
(I feel you)

( )

(M and E)

(I don't know why but this reminded me of a pic that used to hang in my G-parents house)

Well thats that. I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Obv Im running out of interesting ways to end my blogs....
Oooooooooooh Wait!!!
I have to give you the 'Daily Knowledge"
(Phew...almost forgot...)

Ok Bare (Is this the right Bare? Bear?)  with me here...this one is kind of long...
but its interesting...I read it in my book...and since Im long past remembering how to do a
footnote or a bibliography Im just going to tell you what book it was....
(Drum roll please......)
(Hum...is that how you'd spell a drumroll sound?)
(Whatever you get the point...)

Ok the book is "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest"
By Stieg Larsson...(On page 147)
(Its the third book of the AMAZING trilogy)
(You should def read it....)
(Seriously...Im not asking...Im telling)
(And you can borrow mine if you want to pay the 10000$ shipping fee and risk
them ending up in France....)
(Do you remember reading about that?)
(In my blog...not in the newspapers...)

"It was the Greeks who coined the term "Amazon." (As in Amazon women) The word 
literally means "Without breast." It is said that in order to facilitate the drawing of a bow, the females right breast was removed, either in early childhood or with a red-hot iron after she became an adult."

If you keep reading it states that there is not actually proof of this myth since all of the
sculptures and motifs of the time do not depict any woman without her right breast, which would
have been common practice.
But even the thought of such thing...Tragic....

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