Monday, November 1, 2010

Day and Night...

Before we being here....I would like to introduce you to something that I have
become very familiar with.
I see it everyday.
Big Black Dick.......
Rum that is!!
Oh wait.......did you think..... ??

There he is! It is the official Rum of the Caymans..(I think..)
Theres a whole story there and if you would like to hear about it..
Google it.
Lazies...why do I have to research EVERYTHING.

                                  DAY : : :
(  Just some more Ocean shots...cant get enough of these colors!! )

(Barb this kinda looks like your Key West photo..)
(Haha I stole it!)

(Pier 1)
(Get it? Like the store?)

(Pier 2)
(Which is why Pier 1 was actually funny)

( )

(Yes ok..."So what" you say? Its just a dead tree in front of the ocean right?)
(Well lets look a little closer....)

(The Ocean? The tree? The 2 inch patch of grass behind it?)
(And I thought they went overboard with the Stop Signs in NY)
(This is just NONSENSE!)


                                NIGHT : : :
( )

( )

(Everyone loves Jack-O-Lanterns!)

( )

(I took this on my trip to Japan)
(Ok it was actually right on someones porch in the complex next-door to T.I)
(But Im sure it would look the same if I TOOK the pic in Japan)

(Love this one....Kim these lines are for you)
(It reminds me of the "Lines" pics you take)
(Get it this time?)

(Star Light, Star Bright...)
(Its really a planet)
(But whose counting)
(Sides..."Planet Light, Planet Bright" sounds silly..)

(Street light "Sun Glare")

                           SHADOW PUPPETS : : :
(Morgan is a crab...and Mine is a dinosaur.)
(Don't judge our Shadow Puppets)

(I don't even know)
(But look at how TALL I am!!)

(MY S !)
(For Sara)
(Thats my name)
(And you should know that already..)
(S's are hard to make)
(And yes those are Morgans alien tentacles)

(This was a double S.)
(Im on top)
(STOP BEING perverted AGAIN!)

(M for Morgan!)

(This woman couldn't WAIT to get out of the drug store to strip naked
and apply her cream.)
(I was weirded out about taking it, but she obv isn't concerned about
privacy so F it.)

(Only in Cayman)
(And most likely in other Islands also, but on dramatic principals alone....)
(Only in Cayman)

(Last but not least....)
(Anyone want a TV?)

Ok well thats it for today....
I kinda boycotted Halloween so I don't have
any pics to share...Actually I have a few of the girls which Ill post soon!

Tonight is my last night in T.I.
Wont have internet as accessible for "10 business days"
But don't go anywhere...Ill post as much as I can!!

DUCK DATE w Barb.....WED....

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