Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today Im a TOURIST : : : (Which means you are also!)

This is the THIRD day with reliable INTERNET
I don't even know what to do with myself!!

Fact of the Day : : : IT IS EXPENSIVE TO LIVE HERE.
Im sure I've said it before...but Im JUST reminding you.

: : : TOURISTS : : :
Working in the Cayman Islands is one thing : : Is all about...
(These are the Cruise Ships)
(In case you couldn't figure it out)

(Those are souvinears. Which obv I cant spell, so I abbreviated it because Im too lazy to look it up)
(I sounded it out though)
(Clearly it didn't work)
(Don't judge me)

( )

( )

(I was going to delete this pic because it isn't very artistic....)
(Then I noticed that there were electrical cords attached to them)
(A Conch lamp?)
(Is that cool?)

(This was just one of the many 'Tour Solicitors')

         AND THEN walk into MARGARITAVILLE : : : 
( )

       SCAVENGER HUNT : : : 
(FYI...A BRA counts as Two shirts)

( )

(Im not going to tell you what happens : : :)
(But I will tell you that you do NOT want to be the last person on stage!)

(Im not sure WHICH synchronized Dance this was...)
(Could have been the Cha Cha Slide or Cupid Shuffle or the Wobble)
(THE WOBBLE?? WTF is that?)

(This guy was a HOTT mess)
(Or a Rebel)

(Some people dance on stage.....)
(And other just record and take pictures...)
(This chic looks like she's going to have a heart attack)

              SHOTS : : : (And they're not selective....Shots for Everyone : : : )
                                        (I spelt 'They're' CORRECTLY again!!)
                             (KIM G THIS IS FOR YOU!! Bc I know your silently Judging me)
(The Old-ER)
(I was told the term 'OLD' is offensive.)
(Just trying to be PC here people)

(The 'Fashion Forward')
(Another no-offensive term for NICE HAT)

(The super ANXIOUS)

(And the ones who are straight "Chillin")

(This is a 'Michael Jackson' Move)
(Or so he thinks)

(Someone gave Dave these Flip Flops)

(...."I Said a-hip-hop"...)
(Thats Rappers Delight)

(What people will do for a Free Tee Shirt)

(WTF is Sol?)
(Its the 'Carona' back up)
(Must be delicious)

(This boy is over 18)
(I swear)

(This guy is an ANIMAL)
(And the first one I saw who got the beer down in 5 Seconds)
(Although I don't know if pouring it all over your body counts)
(Look at the guy behind him taking notes...he's next)

(You can tell by his shirt stains that he tried the previous guys methods)
(And that it didn't work)
(Good try though Homie)

(Daves African)
(Seriously, he donates a quarter to him every time he sees him..And he writes him letters..)
(Best story ever)
(Hi BRAD!)

(Line um up)

                       THE SLIDE : : : 
( )

(Yes, sometimes the staff goes down too)

(And No, you don't have to be a child to LOVE the slide)

(The "Shot Mix")

(And Chris in the background)
(You cant see them here but he has AMAZING Abs)

(You would never think you'd do manual labor on VACATION)
( Would for this!)

(THIS is my GM. Chris)
(Loving Life)

(Second Positon)

(Dave and the Africans)
(Yes, I meant the South Africans)
(You RACIST bastards)
           LONG ISland in the House : : :   The Fist Pump.....
(You GOTTA start down low)

(AND then you bring it up HIGH!)

            OUR LOVELY STAFF : : : 
(Kristin and Kathrine (Kathryn))

(Livia and EBANKS)

(One of those)
                             DJ TONY CHEN : : : Our In House..."Entertainment Manager"
                                                                          " MC/DJ "
( )

(Get 'um K)

( )

( )

Random Pic of the Day : : : SCORPION SIGHTING
(Seriously? I didn't move to Arizona...WTF people?)
(So mean and ANGRY.....)
(But don't worry.. they said that it wont KILL you. It will just put you in the hospital for a few days)
(Thanks. SUPER reassuring.)

Well thats all for today.....Im super behind but I have all of PIRATES WEEK
to show you......

Let me leave you with this.
" Fuck 'em. Move On. "

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