Friday, November 19, 2010

A Day with Captain RICK !! : : : Part First..

                               First of all....I am back for real now.. Internets up for good...
                         and I have about 400 pictures that are ready to
                        go up...(And Im NOT exaggerating this time) So get ready!!!

     Fact of the Day : : :  Even though we have up to 17 Ships a week visit here, no Ship ACTUALLY
                                        lands on the Cayman Islands. "What?" you ask, "How can that be?"
                                   I know I know....but today Ricardo informed me that the Ships are not allowed
                                      to drop their anchors to the bottom here because the reef is protected. What they
                                      do is lower the anchors a little and then just make sure that they stay in the same
                                      area. No, I am not sure of the semantics, but its pretty interesting.

      RICKS BOAT : : : Sunday 7.11.10 (Thats how they write the date here. Backwards! Have I
                                               mentioned this before? For the US its : : 11.7.10)
                                     (And Yes, I know that was 2 weeks ago and Im super behind.)
                                                                  (Thanks for bringing it up.)
( )

                         Star Point (Star Beach) : : This is where we docked for most of the day.
     (We were as happy as some 16 year olds on the first night of our driving life. In a 7/11 parking lot.)
                         (A 7/11 is a big gas station mart with no gas.)(How can you not know that?)
(I apologize but I cannot explain that.)
(If you were there, you know.)

(Look at that poor Starfish!)
(Do they make starfish bandages?)
(Oh wait....starfish can grow entire limbs back.)
(Nevermind...he's good.)

( )

(JUST KIDDING....KristIn !!)

(Yes the water was cold...Which is why I was on the boat taking pics and Christina is there shivering)
(Dont punch me.)
(Now THATs a good story....But a WHOLE other blog...)

(Dave with the . . . "safety net?")

( )

(American Gladiators in the Caymans.)
(Erica Dominated.)
(Not so tough now are you Christina?)

(Al is awake.)

( )

(Yes folks, she IS demonstrating the "Shopping Cart")
(You know, the SWEET dance move, related to the "Sprinkler," and the "Lawn Mower"..)
(Google it.)

( )

(Look at those ABS!)
(Get 'um Chris!)

( )


(Not so sweet)

(Do I even need to write something here?)
(What could I possibly say)

( )

( )

(I swear that Im not trying to show off my artistic genus here : : : )
(Some of these are just for fun.)
(I mean come on really, whats not fun about a finger in the nose of the Hamburglar !!)    

( )

(Love It)

(Ay, Ay)
(Is that right?)
(Aye, Aye) ?
(Eye, Eye) ?
(No Im just kidding I know its not EYE...really...)

(Als still up)

( )

(Look at the name of this boat !!)
(For me it means 'Bring Your Own..Bottle-o-soda' !!)

(Theres captain Rick, on the right. Steve is on the Left.)
(Looks like a very serious business meeting)

(WHAT? They Played a HOUSE song?)
(Finally !!)
(For those who don't get it....HOUSE music is apparently the music of the island.)
(Not Soca, not reggae, but House.)(And Jimmy Buffett.)(FML)

(Looks like DS is trying to get down on that shot...or Christinas Cheek...)

(Had to)

( BK Representing)
(I know. Cayman Islands. BK. Crazy)

(Al's still going. . . )

( )

( )

(What is this thing?)
(Some sort of Beer Funnel?)
(Did I just make myself not cool because Im not familiar with it?)

( )

(Al is fading fast...)

( )

(Yes I am aware that your not supposed to shoot into the sun)
(Shut it)

( Star Point/Beach )
(If you haven't caught on they call it Star Point/Beach (Everyone has a different second 
last name for it) because in the mornings the water is FULL of Starfish)
(It is on my 'Cayman Islands Bucket List' to come in the morning and shoot)

( )

(Dance Marathon) 
(AND she's down.....)

Random Pic of the Day : : This is a random little boy who was on a large party boat next
to us, who was content with just chilling on the anchor line drinking his coke.
This pic is dedicated to the person that enjoyed this so much...
Sorry I don't remember who you are !!!

Ok well normally Id write a closing paragraph summing up the days events:
But since there is a PART Second.....
Im just saying: : :

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