Monday, November 8, 2010

Lil' bit of This...Lil' bit of That...

IM back for the NINETEENTH time!!!
My home internet is a little wishy washy right now...
So I've done what any committed Blogger would do...
I've taken my comp to WORK to steal THIER WI-FI!!!!!

Fact Of The Day:  Sunshine Grill (Part of Sunshine Suites) has the BEST burgers on the Island.
 Sorry everyone else. They just do. Its a fact...
KITCHEN SINK...WHAT!! Amazing..Grilled onions and heaps of cheese and
 bacon and mustard..and a little Slice of LOVE.
AND if thats not enough for you it comes with French Fries and Sweet Potato Fries
AND.....FRIED JALAPENOS!!! Heaven....

(And its so fun and colorful)

(AND you can sit right next to the pool....the kids eat...paradise!)

              MORGANS BDAY!!  HAPPY 30TH : : :
(Carlos and Martins with the "New Crew")

(Yes my monkeys are humping)
(And no I didn't do it. Thats how it was served to me)
(Unbelievable Lee.)

(Posed Jager shot)

(Actual Jager shot)


              HALLOWEEN : : : (Yes I know Im behind . . .)
(Michelle's "Brownie Graveyard")
(Very creative)

(And here is her "Flesh Skull")
(Get it? Its a skull covered in Turkey "Flesh"?)

(The "Halloween Spin Chair"!!!)
(Ok its not ACTUALLY called that but it was Halloween and they were spinning so....
Well YOU do the math people!!)


(Im not sure whats going on here but she looks like shes contemplating something VERY serious)
(Perhaps she finding the solution for world peace.)

                                    OUR APARTMENT : : :
             (This isn't the OFFICIAL apt photo shoot but I've decided to give you a little sneak peak!)

(Theses are getting extremely obvious!)
(Shout them out if you know 'em!!)

(See you've got it!!)

(Its tiny but quaint. Just enough)
(AND we are the only ones with a Tree.)

(Come on you can get this one...)

(And that is my OWN Bathroom in there....FINALLY)
(Its a smaller room but its perfect for me.)
(The bed is SUPER comfy and the Furniture is Nice Dark Wood...)
(And There is a TON of closet space)
(We did good.)

(This is our pool...Yes its OURS.)
(Its right outside our front door which makes it OURS!)
(Oh what you don't believe me?)
(Fine Ill prove it!)

(Thats Morgan going into OUR apt.)
(True he COULD have just posed in front of some random door...)
(But he didn't.)
(Number 10 is where its at!!)
(I don't really know what that means..."Where ITS at"...Whats IT? )
(Im just trying to be mainstream here guys!)

(The Treadmill)
(This is the NEVERending road home...just like walking on a Treadmill)

(Our Sunset View)


                    CK1 : : :
            (OMG...I am so this is a shoot of Chelsea and Kristin, and its their
                      First one....SOOOO....its CK1....(Like the perfume...GET IT??)
( )

(It is very hard to take Pics of ppl at night with a tripod when they have to stand still
for over 30 Seconds....But were working on it!)

(These are the Ghosts of Chels and Kipp...)

(YES....this one came out pretty sharp...)
(And by sharp Im mean...There looking sharp and they ARE sharp!)

(Im obsessed with this one...)
(KIM GREY I WOULD LIKE you to write a poem about it..)
(And then well enter it somewhere..)
(Ok GO)

(She ROCKED it out)
(She didn't actually play rock music but you get where Im going here...)
(I hope)

( )

( )

(WHO else looks this HAPPY when they sing?)
(Usually they get all angry and dramatic looking.....)

(But not here....THIS is a TRUE musician...playing for the feeling...)


(Xeila and Ryan....)

(Shoot it Christina!!)

( )

( )

                Random Pics of The Day : : : 
                                  MACHETE TIME : : : 
(So we must have been told the Machete Horror Stories a few hundred times..which of
course we didn't believe...even though we live down "Machete Ally"....)
(Until one day when Morgan found us our own Machete in the backyard.)
(Looks like it has years of rust and tons of use)
(But now were ready to fight back!!)
(Don't worry Mom I take cabs home when it gets dark)

(Yes....very Threatening Morgan!!)

OK so were getting there...
Tomorrow is DUCK POND (etc) Posting day!!!
And after that its boat day...and then Tourist Margaritaville day...
The Blogs are NEVER-ENDING!!!
Ok that was gay.
(Don't be offended.)


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