Saturday, November 20, 2010

ADWCRick : : : PART Second.

Ahhh...and your back for more I see . . . 

Fact of the Day : : : 60 . 10 . 3 .  This is the Official Cooking Time (In seconds)
for 2 White Castle Microwavable Cheeseburgers.
And all you White Castle HATERS out there...and I know there are a lot of you..
Rat Burgers or not...They're DELICIOUS.
(Thats the first time I wrote 'They're' correctly Like that.)
(Editor in Chief here I COME!)

OK so let just jump right in, I don't think I need to write another intro, but I
will say this...The first blog was the beginning of the day : : (AKA Sober)
And THIS one is the second half of the day....I cant even tell you how much alcohol later...
(I mean I could tell you but you wouldn't believe me.)
(So Im not going to waste my breath)

( )

(And the shots continue)

( )

(Apparently we were going to Alaska after Star Point)

(Who thinks to bring Jello shots on a boat!)
( a lot of people do that? Is it like a thing?)
(Hum. . . I hope I haven't made myself unhip yet again...)

( )

(Again....JUST FOR FUN)
(Xelia...Your a little too high with that hand there!)

( Look at how calm her eyes are.)
(She's a professional!)

(There is nothing cooler to "Double Fist" than Cheeseburgers)

( )

(Yep...about 10 sheets to the wind now)

("Im Drinking Rum........)

( )

(Robbie before I wanted to kill him)

( )

( )

(Time for a CARONA Photoshoot?)

( )

( )

(....and Red Bullllll)

(ME and my BFF)

(A drunken synchronized dance)
(Im telling you that because you probably have no idea whats going on there)
(Maybe you thought they were all falling forward at the same exact time)
(Or that they were breakdance fighting)

(I wont tell you what he's doing)
(But I WILL tell you that he wasn't swimming)

( )

( )

( )

(AL is down for the count.)
(He barely lasted 2 hours.)
(We were on the boat for about 8)

(Cheers to an awesome day)

(Stop it)

(Much better)

(Love at its finest)
(Id be jealous also that she has the cool yellow glasses)
(But Dave...remember Material Things aren't everything)

(She really made an ASS out of herself!)
(Get it? Because she's sticking out her butt!!)
(ITs a JOKE Christina. Stay away from me!)

( )

( )

                                WARNING : : THIS pic is not suitable for children.
                                      (Or anyone with low tolerance for sex stuff)
(The phrase "Hold her like a Bowling Ball" really fits here)
(I don't know if thats actually a phrase or not, but it sure does fit)
(IT FITS....get it? Like fingers in.....Damn...Im KILLIN IT tonight!)

(Throughout the next 5 hours, almost everyone had sat and jumped on the sleeping Al)
(And he did not stir once.)
(Ask DAVE...hell give you a GOOD example....)

(Thats me)

( Erica. . . Im not saying a word)

(This is a totally unprompted pic)
(They both just did the same exact thing at the same exact time.)

(The THREE-way Hump...)

(Um yes, I meant to do that to my bandana.)
(It makes me a G.)

( )

(Even I was impressed!)

( Speechless )
(Well not really....but Its not that kind of Blog)

This is the last picture I took.
It was so dark by this point that I had to use flash.
It was a long and amazing day and you can see that everyone kept partying to the bitter end.

He was a gracious host whose only concern was that we had a good time!
Which we TOTALLY did!

And this blog for whatever reason wont let me write underneath the last picture so Im going to just
have to do the "Sign Off" right here.
Tomorrow will be J.A.D.A.M 
(I know you don't know what that means but I cant keep you guessing
if I give away all the important details!!)

Random Pic of the Day : : : This pic isn't actually random, I think this might be just 
another NORMAL shot of them . . . but I just loved it so much I wanted it
To have its own special place.

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