Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ducks, Swans and BARBARA!!!

Hellooooooo All!!!
Just gunna jump right in here...

Facts Of The Day : (The PICTURE Facts of the Day) :

This is an Axolotol. (Aka "Mexican Neotenic Mole Salamanders)
(WHAT??? Yeah I have no idea)
BUT it is a REAL creature, I googled it like 10 times...
I don't know that much about them because the description is 4 BILLION pages,
(But YOU can google it and tell me all the interesting parts if you want)
But I do know that they live in the water, come in black, 
(Haha "come in black" like there clothing)
and are illegal in many places (like Cayman. Surprise Surprise.)

                                                                  MUNCHKIN CAT
These are cats with a genetic defect that makes their legs abnormally small,
but for the most part live normal, healthy, active lives.
There are 4 categories of Munchkin Cats : : 
Standard, Super Short, VWmicrobus, and RUG HUGGER!!
(Seriously? Who comes up with these names? LOVE it!!)

                                                                       TEACUP PIG
YES!!! I saved the BEST FOR LAST!!
Ok this is going to be my next pet FOR REAL!
Tyson (my cat) would LOVE him!!
Heres some facts:
They live between 12 and 20 years
Can Litter box train, and don't shed.
Their extremely affectionate and DONT GET ANY BIGGER!
(JENN V do you love him!!)

Ok enough of the super cute animals : : :

My lovely friend Barbara took me out on a PHOTO DATE...with the only rule being
that I couldnt take any pictures of her (Which I don't understand bc she's Beautiful!!)
But I said ok.
First she took me to the "Duck Pond"
We pulled up to this little fenced in pond and I could feel my heart sink. I wanted to take
tons of pictures and how could I do it here at this tiny patch of land?

( )

(Ooooooh Yes. Ducks, Gesse-like birds, and Iguanas all hanging together...)
(This would never happen in NY. Those pigeons are such SNOBS)

(Everyone was waiting to be fed)
(They are standing in the EXACT same position)
(In case you didn't notice)

(Look at this SHARING!!)
(They had GOOD parents)
(I wish some of the people I know knew how to share like that!)

(Ok so their not sharing with the other guy, but hey its a small piece of lettuce! )

(Biggest Iguana Ive seen so far. He was about 2 feet long and 7000000pds.)
(No Im not bring dramatic)

                    Kim G. this is for you : : :
(Turtle Love)

(I did NOT know that turtles liked Raisin Bread)
(But obv they just eat that shit up!)
(Get it? People say "Eat that shit up" about things that are not food...but he is actually eating
food...yes? no? Ok nevermind...)
(Barbara I know it might not have actual raisin bread..but shhhhhhhh)

( )

(HUGE fish....VERY hard to take a picture of)

(Well I didn't want to just write "Duck"....boring...)

(Quite Contemplation)

(This guy seemed to have a lot to think about.....)
(Oooo maybe I should ask him what the winning lottery numbers are)
(Oh wait....Cayman doesn't have lottery.)

( )

(This is the South Sound Stick Bird.)
(Ok I don't really know what kind of bird it is..but don't his legs look like sticks?)
(Shut up, yes they do.)

(So I asked Dennis for a photograph and he got all snippy and aggravated.)
(But then we chatted for a little and he agreed to let me take it)
(Yes his name is Dennis)

(Came out pretty good...Good work Dennis!) 

(I finally got my "Ducks in a Row")

(Coming in for a landing)

(Look at the guy on the right.)
(He seems pretty pissed)
(Maybe the other one just landed in a 'No Landing Zone')

(Running On Water)
(When your wings just cant get you there fast enough)

(You would never know that their wings were so long)
(Seriously...look at the guy on the right...They look all small collapsed don't know)

(Don't they don't look like dinosaur feet?)

(Ok SOOO hard to take these pics in focus...but Barbaras are AMAZING...!!)
(You should FB stalk her and see for yourself)

(No....what are YOU looking at??)

(Just having a stretch)

( )

(Two siblings learning how to hunt together)
(What they do is scratch at the gravel and eat the bugs underneath them)
(Wait....did you know that already? Is that something I should have known about?)

                            The "Everyones Beautiful, Deformity or not" Shoot with Janice.
(Work it....Work it....)

(She's so plump in the middle...)
(Its ok...in "Bird life" thats a compliment)

(To the left now)

(Poor little girls leg is un-functional)
(I wanted to make her a little popsicle stick splint)
(But I didnt want her geese-like bird friends to call her a wimp)
(BTW I know someone who calls an "Icepop/Popsicle" an "IceLolly")
(Amazing CS)

          BIRD SANCTUARY : : :
(This is a bird.)
(It has a red shield like bill.)
(As in beak...not money)
(And this is it for the Bird Sanctuary. There wasn't much action there)

                 THE RITZ HOTEL : : : 
(Cabanas, Sand and Ocean.)
(What can be better...or swankier)

(I set up those chairs for whoever wants to come visit)

( )

(Love this one.)

( )

             And now the Swan portion of the blog...
         (Ok its not actually a whole portion but there are TWO pics.)

         Random Pic of the Day : : : The SWAN TOWELS : : : 

(One day when I buy a nice house...I will also have Swan Towels.)

I never know how to end these...
Tomorrow Ill be back with the BOAT Part I....
These are going to be a good time...

I will leave you with this.

"When you get tired of driving its ok to give someone else the reins."

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