Monday, January 17, 2011

Cb3:: Fountain Children...

Fountain Children.
There not 'right out of a horror movie'
Its really just pictures of children IN fountains...
But I felt like that was a rather bland Title.
So I switched it.
Switching it up is good.
Exercises your brain.
Just throwing it out there.

Caymana Bay ::: Once again.....
(A light?)
(An artistic street sculpture?)

(Yes I took this at CB)
(There are hidden gems everywhere)
(Open your eyes...)
(CB's short for Caymana Bay)
(Just in case I lost you)

                            Fountain 1 ....  Mini circle...
(Looking at this pic...what do you THINK was happening here?)
(The boy slipped and hurt himself and cant get up right?)
(Yes...I led you.)
(Yes I Moonlight as a Lawyer)
(Im really super rich I just enjoy pretending Im not)
(I led you there because thats what I thought had happened as I walked up)

( you can see)
(Or maybe not bc its kind of dark)
(He has a big ol' grin on)
(Apparently he thought that would be a funny joke to play on his mom)
(Im never having kids)

(Theres his Mom)
(I took this pic so that if she got upset about me shooting her kids I could show her this one)
(And DENY shooting her kids)
(Shooting her kids)
(So violent)



(Look at THIS pic...what do you think is happening HERE?)
(The little boy in the blue is about to beat down the one in the black right?)
(Yep....did it again)
(And your WRONG again.)
(He was actually in the middle of a very complex dance move)
(His next step involved a Triple Lutz and an Arm Bar)
(I just tried to reach both genders with that one)
(Did it work?)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Its a lamp)
(An outdoor lamp)
(An artistic street sculpture outdoor lamp)

                Fountain 2 ::  The big semi-circle...
(OK let me tell you about this cutie little boy)
(We first made his acquaintance as we entered CB)
(Then again when he was playing in the fountain)
(He didn't seem to happy that I was taking their pictures)
(BUT I DID ask their Moms permission...)
(So my bases are covered!)

(He was playing with an equally cute little girl)
(I wondered if they were related or just friends)
(They played VERY well together)
(I never see kids get alone for that long without some tear shed)

(  )

(Told you)
(He got something in his eye...and she was right there to help him out)

(  )

                                    JUST a little...."Follow the Leader"......
(" this!)

("Got it !")

("Ok now it Hair Washing Time")

("Excellent....excellent....Well done...")

(But she went above and beyond)

(Even gave it a Bonus Diva Flip)

(Look at that smile...)
(I cant...)
(I wanted to steal him kinda...)

("Ok...I call this one 'The Nap'")

B("And then you stick your whole head in it")
G("Um yeah....Im good on that")
(Smart woman!)
(B and G stand for Boy and Girl)
(Keep up with me here)


(These were super creative plant boxes)
(Plant walls?)

(The actual wall seemed to made of some kind of rubber / dirt / moss mixture)
(Yes that is the scientific term for it)
(The abbreviation on the Periodic Table is..... Rd4)
(Just Kidding)

                 Capoeta ::   An Afro-Brazilian art form that combines marital arts, music, dance and sports.
                                        It was started by African Slaves in Brazil but no one knows exactly when.
                                        (Google it if you want more info....I could ramble on here forever about it)
(It uses mostly Leg Kicks, Leg Sweeps and Head-butting)
("NO one wins with a head-butt")

(  )

(Even young Irishmen can enjoy this art form)
(No Im not sure if there REALLY Irish.)
(I was just making assumptions do to his 'stereotypically Irish red hair')
(I know...I know)
(Thats terrible)
(Hey they could be Asian for all I know)

(Student and Teacher)
(But which one is which?)

(Ok....look at the little boy in the middle)
(Looks like he's about to take off)
(Like a crane would take off...)
(Or maybe a flying squirrel)

(The instructor was pretty much always in this pose)
(No matter where he went)
(He lives his hobby every second)
(I can totally appreciate that)

(Not only can the man kick...)
(But can play a sick drum)
(Well he had one beat anyway)

We tried to do Capoeta...but of course I was the only one who learned the entire
routine and surpassed the instructor.
(Chuckle is a little further up on the 'Joke Funny-ness' scale)

Ok next up is Sting Ray City..
I did not go in...
It was cold...
I know..."Cold in the Caribbean?"
(I think it was prob 70Degrees)

1 comment:

  1. very nice again LArca. i think thats what u told
