Monday, January 10, 2011

The Last Christmas

This is not ACTUALLY the Last Christmas in LIFE...
Its just the last Christmas BLOG that I have.
Phew....I could see that you got a little worried there for a second...
(Its ok...wipe the sweat off your brow...I wont say anything..)

For our first Christmas in Cayman...
For the first Christmas that most of us have been away from our families...
We had BREAKFAST for Dinner!!!

A special thanks to Ryan and Matt and Xeila for cooking for us!
We had.....  
 Eggs...Homemade Hashbrowns...Pancakes...BACON....French Toast...biscuits...AND Parfaits!!
Oh my goodness It was DELICIOUS!! 
( )

(I can almost taste them....)

(Another special thanks to Ryan for PEELING all the potatoes with no Potato Peeler)
(And he was super fast about it.)
(Cant complain about being being friends with a CHEF!!)

(And then there were pancakes..)
(But not just plain pancakes....)
(Matt gave us a variety of...Blueberry..Eggnog ...and Pumpkin Spice...)
(These bowls look like Mickey Mouse)
(Just saying)

( )

(Thank goodness that someone invented the Griddle )
(He would have been there until Next Christmas!!!!)
(Yeah I know that wasn't really that funny)

( )

(And a Special thanks to XEILA for making these AMAZING Parfaits)
(They were as pleasing to the tounge as they were to the eyes)
(ooooooo...I liked that)
(Im a poet and I didn't even realize it)
(I used to say that when I was younger)
(Do you get it?)
(Because that rhymes and most people associate poetry with rhymes)
(Which couldn't be farther from the truth)
(Kim is an amazing poet and her stuff rarely...if ever...rhymes)
( should check her out...)

(This is awkward I know....)
(But for some reason it was the only way I could get her website on here as an actual link)

(  )

(And as if giving us different flavor options wasn't enough...)
(Matt also brought festive shape cutters....)

(These are Gingerbread Men)
(Or woman)
(They're actually seem pretty androgynous)
( that the right 'They're'?)
(Love you)

( )

(Do I really need to write anything here?)
(Xeila cracks me up EVERY time I look at this Picture)
(Im laughing outloud right now)
(Its not What she's doing....)
(But how nonchalant she is about it)

(My delicious plate)
(I stole Erica's syrup compartment idea)

(The Happy Family)

( )

(And an inquisitive Ryan)

             Chewy's Photo Shoot : : : 
(I know this pic is lame)
(But I just wanted to show you how good she is)
(Just chilling under the table with her little snuggle toy)
(Although I don't find hard rubber snuggle-y)
(Then again....Im not a dog)
(And don't anyone say anything about 'snuggle-y')
(Its written how I would want the word to sound outloud)

( )

( )

( )

( )

                                    Ok so that was that.
                                     And this is this..........

                                          (Don't worry that doesn't really mean anything)

                                   Our last stop on the Christmas Extravaganza is the ........

                                  Margaritaville Christmas Party : : : 
                                               Happy Hour Boat ..... 1.2.11
(This is how Dave greeted us)
(I hope he paid for that Bong!)

(OH Yes...)
(You ARE seeing that correctly)
(This is our GM bartending for US!!)
(And he wasn't half bad!)

(All eyes on you kid)

(Look at Xei's (Shay's..just wanted to remind you how its pronounced) face)
(The best part was that that look was for absolutely no reason at all)

(Josie...Jadrian..Derek...BARBARA...Seggie )
(I wrote BARBARA in caps because NEVER before has she let me take her Picture)
(Even though she's beautiful)
(So take a good LONG look bc I don't know WHEN the next time Ill be able to get her in
front of the camera will be!)

(C and M)
(If YOUR initials were turned  around you would be MC)
(Like a DJ....with more talking)

Ok well this is where that story ended and Ill give you a brief explanation why.....
We decided to go swimming.....unaware of how strong the current was...
By the time we realized that we were having a hard time...and were almost at the point of panic...
We (Kris and I) were RESCUED by the Water Police Boat
(Im not sure what their official tittle is....Boat Police? Ocean Police?)
and driven back to our own boat....
Im a pretty strong swimmer and it was scary....
But we LIVED!
The bad news was that I lost BOTH my contacts in the struggle 
(And anyone who knows me knows Im blind without them)
Sooooo....I spent the next four hours dancing blindly and being led around by my
INCREDIBLE friends....
THANK YOU were all Lifesavers....
Anyway the point of my story was that I was obviously not able to take any more
pictures that day....HOWEVER Barbara did and  hers came out GREAT!
(Check her FB)

Ok so I know this is hard to believe but Im 
I know crazy right?
But don't worry...tomorrow Im going on an "Island Tour" with my
Ninja Photographer
I cant wait either.

(Thats Gaelic for Goodnight)
(Not really)

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