Saturday, January 15, 2011

Do you wanna?

That is a funny name for a blog right?
Its actually exactly what it says it is.
Do you wanna.... come take a walk with me?
I went the back way home from work...(ending up at the dump)..
LET me REPHRASE that...I TRIED to end up at the dump...
But those damn chain-link fences keep holding me back!
(But Ill get in there eventually)
(Shiz-nit is the PC way to say...)
(Well Im sure you know what word Im referring to)

Do you wanna....       
(Don't forget to put "do you wanna" before every post)
(Not sure if I had to clarify that....but better to be safe than sorry)
(...Walk past a house that has so many plants and foliage in the yard that you can barely see it?)

(...Notice that ALL the windows in town have iron gates on them?)
(At least they change up the color and rust content for varietal purposes)

(....get your hair cut in a MOBILE barbering truck?)

(....take a ride on my NEW bike?)
(And am SUPER excited to show it off!)
(Wait that IS a bike right?)

(...See the strangest looking fire hydrant?)

(  )

(...smash your truck into a tree and NEVER ever move it?)
(But take all of the parts off of it?)

(...see the least intimidating guard dog EVER?)

           Look at the insane amounts of spider webs there are in the "forrest/jungle"
                         (What would you call the 'brush' of a Caribbean Island?)
                              (Momma dont freak out...there not by my house..)
(  )

(  )

(  )

(...see what happens to the earth when theres a drought?) 

(....witness first hand that there are Litter Bugs EVERYWHERE?)
(This was on the WAY TO THE DUMP)
(Couldn't wait 5 seconds to throw it out where it BELONGS?)

(....go for a swim with me in 'dump water'?)
(That was sarcastic)

(....take a bath?)
(Im sure with a little scrubbing it'll look just like new...)

(...walk into the depths of the jungle/brush/forrest?)

(  )
(This is the Nicest road to the dump that Ive ever seen)
(It didn't even smell bad)

(...find a hidden bird?)
(I found you sucka)

(...look at the only garbage pile I could get close to?)
(There was nothing really cool about it at all....)
(But I figured that since I tried to shoot the dump I had to at least show you something)

(....sneak up on this red-eyed devil bird?)

(....and then SNEAK up on him after he tried to dodge me for 10 minutes?)
(Got you TOO!)
(Cant run from me bitches!)

(...see a String Bean Tree?)
(This is not an ACUTAL Sting Bean Tree)
(But it sure looks like one)
(I know its not one because I ate a "string bean' from the branch)
(I saw 'Into the Wild')
(I don't eat ANYTHING from a random tree/plant)
(You should adopt that practice also)

(...go to the end of the road...right to where it meets up with the ocean?)
(I did.)

(....appreciate them attempting to prevent littering?)

(...turn around and see what was RIGHT UNDER THE TREE?)
(You couldn't just NOT LITTER under the NO LITTERING sign?)
(Huge ones)

(....look at some pipes?)
(I don't know...)

( with the wide angle lens?)

(  )

(  )

(...see a REAL shipwreck?)

(  )

(...tell me what those things are?)
(I know the white things are Barnacles...)
(And the others are some kind of Muscle/Clamish/Shell creature)
(But Im just not sure what their official name is.....)

(...see them up close?)

(...stop for a minute and just.......Be......)
(Too bad...I did so you have to also)

(  )

(  )

(...walk the tight rope?)
(ITs not really 'tight'....)
(But it is a rope)
(I don't think you could walk on it...)
(I mean I did it...)
(But Im super talented)
(Not to say that your not...)

(...ponder wether they want to 'Keep out Americans'...)
(Or just keep people off of the American boat?)
(OBV its the second one...)
(Who'd want to keep Americans out?)
(There are actually a lot of people who would...)
(But you know what I say to that?)
(That doesn't stand for Fuck You...)
(It stands for Fuck 'Um)
(Shut it KristEn)

(...stand in from of a strange anchor?)

(......try and figure out what the purpose of this vessel is?)

( sad to see a tug boat out of water...)
(A tugboat that has def seen better days....)

(...stare off into the sunset?)
(Oh and by the way...)
(That huge bump in the middle is the dump)
(I know it doesn't really look huge...but if you think about how FAR away it is....)

(We've talked about this before)

(....stare off into the sunset without the dump in the background?)
(At least you have the sewage/ garbage water to remind you where you are...)

(.....get up close and personal with the vein of my existence?)
(I DEF do not get this phrase...wait is it vain or bain?)
(Is bain even a word?)

(But like I said before.....)
(I WILL get in there...)

Done for now...
See you soon....
ooooooooohh .......TOMORROW
Were going to Sting Ray City..
AND to see the BIO-Luminescent Lights...
AND I will have my WATER PROOF camera...
It should be a good day...


  1. my god ur talented...:)...if i ever get married ur shooting it...please?!

  2. i know where the boat is now, by the dump

  3. I will DEF shoot you...
    (Your wedding I mean.....8-) )
