Monday, October 4, 2010

Tripod....and More...

I have finally had a reason to break out he tripod. And now Im obsessed...

Fact Of The Day: There are fresh-water Jellyfish that live in the South Pacific in a cluster of lakes 
who 'allow' microscopic algae to live on them. These algae absorb the sun and 
turn it into sugars (through photosynthesis) which in turn feed the Jellyfish. They are 
the only Jellyfish who do not survive on smaller fish.
(The wording not that was terrible...I apologize)
But I DO suggest you watch "Wild Pacific" on the Discovery Channel.
Amazing, and FULL of fun facts!

SO, Chris (my boss.) has been asked to be in some food/restaurant magazine and had asked me to take some pictures for it. Of course he wont give me any credit so Im posting them onhere so I can give myself some credit!!!

Chrissy W....(AKA 'C-WOWW')
(Who wouldn't want to sip out of that straw!)

                 The pool bar just got re-surfaced, and they put new multi-colored LED lights in it, so
      It was my job to get the shot. Because we had to take the pic at night and it was so dark out I
   had NO choice but to use the tripod. I took a bunch of different pics in order to catch the different color combinations, so that Chris could choose the one he likes best. IM GUNNA BE IN A MAGAZINE!!  
                                                                      WAHOOOOO !!
                     (Even though as I mentioned before I will not be getting any credit for it)
(The pool bar...wide angle)

(Pool Bar...Close up...Green and Blue)

(Pool Bar...Close up..Pink and Blue)

(Pool Bar...Close up...Pink, Blue and Purpleish)

With my new found knowledge of the tripod (which took me 10 minutes to figure out by the way)
I decided to bring it into the field. (HAHA the field. Makes me sound so professional right?)
We walked around TI (our 'resort') and I shot whatever Morgan pointed out to me. (I was 
having a hard time choosing nighttime subjects because my plan was to shoot the moon, But
apparently the moon disappeared tonight so that was out. (And no it wasn't behind a cloud, there were NO clouds. It really just disappeared)(Maybe it wasn't ready for its "closeup" Haha.)(Yeah not really as funny as I was going for. Oh well Cant win them all)ANYWAY... 
Being that it was the first time I took real nighttime shots I wasn't aware that my Auto-focus
option wouldn't work because it was so dark, and Manually focusing would be almost impossible
(also because it was dark). So some of these are a little blurry, but not bad for a first timer!)
( Sand and Sea )
(Is it annoying if I point out the obvious? Too bad, Im going to do it anyway)

( Rocks, Sand and Sea)

(Blue Horizon)
(That was an 'Artistic Title')
(Should be the name of some fancy candle)
(You know the ones that smell SO good at the store but do nothing when lit..)

I had my shutter speed really low (meaning it took about 30 seconds to take the picture so that a lot
of light would be allowed to absorb) and thats why the tree is so clear and the palm leaves are so blurry. I think it looks pretty cool actually. Especially since the one plam on the left was the only one that didn't seem to move at all. 

(Starry Night)
(Can I steal that title? But seriously do you see all those stars? I actually deleted this pic until
I realized that If you lighten it up a little ALL the stars come out...)

(I didn't touch the color on this picture because it struck me as odd and I decided to share that...even thought it was lit up by blue and yellow lights (which were dim and off in the 
distance) This Palm still came out Green and Brown for some reason. Palm leaves do NOT look
like this in the daylight, and It didn't look like that through the lens of my camera either. Weird)

(These are the TI condos, super nice and equally expensive. I had wanted to take a picture
her the other night but it had been too dark and it kept coming out shaky,
so NATURALLY I wanted to come back and see what the tripod could do.)
(I was happily impressed)

( )

(I don't know why but Im kinda stuck on the purple tint lately)
(Im DEF going to be one of those elderly women with the purple tinted white hair!)

(This was just a super cool reflection in our pool.)

(Kinda looks like one of those Warshak Ink Blots)
(Yes I looked up how to spell his name. I had NO Chance of spelling it correctly)
(AND in case someone doesn't know what those are they'd need the proper spelling to look it up)
(SO really I did it for you.)
(Your welcome)

(I think this one was my favorite. It is the rocks of the 'Cove' I guess you could call it that they just built. You cant really see it too well here but there are a bunch of stars that pop out in the back...Really cool)

Random Pic Of The Day: Today...same place same time..
Looks like someone finally "Drew a line in the sand."
(HAHA get it? Its a saying. People say that. And then someone physically did it.)
(Ugh I give up.)

Well thats all for now. Im working again tomorrow and hoping to make a 
bizillion dollars since there is ANOTHER tropical storm heading our way and
were going back to NY on Thurs (YAY!!).

Tonight my words of Wisdom are this...

Thank you.

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