Monday, October 25, 2010

Order and CHAOS.....

Well hello.
Im back for real now.
I was just kidding the last few days.

There is NO place in the world that you can see both Order AND Chaos as
well depicted then you can at the Stormville Flea Market in Stormville, NY.
(Ok that might be SLIGHTY dramatic, but if it worked in catching your attention then Im
ok with that.)

FACT OF THE DAY: There is nothing more annoying then getting a cell phone in the Caymans.
(And I am NOT being dramatic. Two weeks and going strong.)

I would like to begin with this: : : 
I mean I guess you never know if one day your small child who likes Pooh Bear might
need an adult size gas mask...while he's riding his bike..better to be safe then sorry..
thats what I always say.
 (I don't actually say that FYI)

(LOVE old books...)

(Im looking.. at the WOman.. in.. the Mirror)
(And I even tried to space it out so you'd know it was the song)

(No I swear thats my dads real hair!)
(Or is it....)
(Maybe its a visor with hair sown into it)
(I guess you'll just never know.)

I only posted this pic because the man whose booth it was got SO upset with me
and started to ask me 50 questions. I informed him that I was taking a pic.
I thought it was obvious. But then my good old Dad said "She's with me" and that was
 the end of that!! So There.. 20 Question Guy!


( this Order or Chaos??)

(Order.....of good dreams)

(Hmmm again...Orderly Chaos.)

(This is just Chaos.  Those are some big-ass bracelets...)
(I apologize for the profanity. Sometimes Its just necessary)

(Order....of cavities)

(Birds. Not part of the Order or Chaos.)
(Although birds do fly in both patterns....Something to think about...)

(A Dragon.)

Orderly Chaos.
(Well apparently I should rename my Blog Title tonight.)
(BUTTTTT Im not going to.)
(I thought for some reason that there was going to be a clearer separation.)

(Here we go. THIS is CHAOS!!)

(These are Witch Balls... ...what
you do is hang them by the inside of your front door ...
and it will prevent bad spirits from entering your house.)
(AND YES there totally legit and totally work! 8-) )

(I know it doesn't count because its the same pic. Shut it.)

(Ohhh weren't expecting that were you?)
(I don't know about roses. Yes there the most played out flower..and most girls would
prefer a more exotic one....but theres just something about how the petals hug each other thats
super romantic.)
(Sorry. To deep?)
( 8-) )
(This double parenthesis things makes a face that looks like it has a double chin.)

(Beeeeeeeeeeee yourself!)
(Aladin anyone?)

(This was my dads idea....good Call!!)

(Brain flowers.)
(I know thats not their name.)
(BUT this is MY blog and Ill call the what I like thank you.)

(An authentic Lumberjack.)
(And this is DEF chaotic)
(Oh and he's selling the Ax. Five bucks (US) and it'll stay sharp "forever")
(Just in case you were wondering)

(So I sound spelt it.)
(Im sure it has dots on top of some letters though)

(WOAH....its ok Im only kidding...its just a kite..)


(I don't really like raddishes.)
(Just thought you might want to know how I felt about them.)

Orderly Chaos

(They were in rows I SWEAR)
(You just cant see it from this angle. 8-) )
(fat face)

(Also my dads idea)


(Im sorry but how  CUTE are my parents??)
(You don't have to answer that.)
(Because I already know..and because you cant answer a blog.)

(His hair is also RadioActive.)
(Or is it?)

take..and since you couldnt be here with me I took it FOR you!!)

Ok well that was my lovely day at the Stormville Flea Market.
I got pickles...(Full sour of course) An awesome little back pack and little glass elephant
that my mom bough me...AND some exercise.) 
(I didn't have to buy the was free.)

Tomorrow I will HOPEFULLY be posting my boating trip...
I have some GREAT shots...

TUNE IN : : : (Tokyo..)
(By the way I never got that joke. I understand the "tune in" and twisting part..
but why Tokyo? Just because they both start in T? Why not "Tune in Vegas")
(Ok thats weirder than Tokyo.)
(Im rambling)

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