Friday, October 1, 2010

Cayman Motor 'Museum'...(Garage)

What do you do when you keep getting called out of work because the WAVES are too big? Well..... you go sightseeing!!!

Fact Of The Day:  Camera Flash sucks. It is unflattering and unrealistic. Yes there are ways to 'bounce'
it off things to make it a little less obnoxious, but ultimately it sucks.
But sometimes you have to use it. And sometimes you have to use it 
but your flash batteries are dead and your screwed.
This is the true story of how limited your photos are when this happens.
(Why do 'they' say you shouldn't start a sentence with the word But? I don't get it)

Today (well 2 days ago actually but whose counting?) we visited the: : :
Which is REALLY just a large 'garage' with ONE mans vast collection of cars.
It costs 15$ US which doesn't seen like a lot, but the cars are SO close together that you really only get to see the front of them and photographing them creatively was virtually impossible.
It is owned by Andreas Ugland, one of the richest men in the Caymans. His cars were scattered all over the world for display until he decided to bring them all here and showcase them for locals and tourists.
It is the Hugest collection of one man that I have ever seen and although I was disappointed with the actual set up of the display, it was extremely impressive.

I did NOT know that the Benz was the first car ever made...

(This is what happens when you shoot into the sun...tricky...If only they had let me move it!)

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(Same one)

(1970 Ferrari Dino GT)

(same one...never heard of the 'Dino' that like Dino-saur?)

(I don't know what this is. But it was HUGE)

(My dream car... It only has THREE wheels!! How freaking cute!!)

(1968 Allard Koujar Convertible) 

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(Now THESE are old...maybe older than my dad!! HAHA just kidding dad!)

(1973 Excalibur Phateon 4-seater Convertible)
(Jeeze thats a heck of a long name...)

(1905 Cadillac. This was the FIRST car brought to the Cayman Islands)

(1952 Morgan +4)
(No it wasn't actually pink but I wanted to do SOMETHING to keep the women interested!)
(And what does +4 mean? 4 headlights? 4 wheels? 4 Cylinder?)
(Um no I don't really know what cylinders are but I thought it'd make me sound 'car savvy')

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(1954 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn)
(Silver Dawn? Kinda sounds like a perfume made by a random actress)
(Britney Spears is that you?)
(But seriously I liked this one. I like its 'bubble sides')
(I used 'But' to start a sentence again. Does it count if Its in parenthesis?)

(1929 Rolls-Royce Phantom)

(Love this one too...looks like it has a 'sarcastic face' you see it?)

(Boys LOVE Maserati's right?)
(I don't know why it looks flat as a pancake. Weird)
(Maybe its so it can magically drive UNDERNEATH other cars during traffic situations.)
(Or so it could flip sideways and sneak in-between cars like annoying motorcycles do)
(That would make sense to me)
(Then I could see spending a MILLION dollars on it)

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Im not sure what the rest of these cars are....but if you want to find out you can go to and find out!
(Its actually a pretty dramatically fancy website)

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(Diana's "car")


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(This means nothing to me...but guys are Always trying to get under the hood right?)
(Did you get my 'dirty' joke?)

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(Seee how close they are?)

(There were so many cars that they had to put some up on shelves)
(Yeah I have the same problem...)

(This is better than the Nimbus 2000!)
(Yes that was a Harry Potter reference)
(And it was Morgans joke so if you didn't laugh blame him!)

("Artistic Motorcycle Gauges")

(Now THATS a 'pimped out' rim!! Suck on that L.I!)

(1964 Ferrari 250 GT Lusso)
(THIS is the MOST expensive car here.)
(Its worth over 3.5 million.)
(IF ONLY the keys were still in it...)

(OHHHH yes. This really IS the ORIGINAL Batmobile.)
(And YES, its in Grand Cayman.)
(And NO, I don't know why.)
(And YES, its the BIGGEST car Ive ever seen)

(The worlds First Cell-Phone)
(HAHAHA do you see that thing?)
(Batman, Zack Morris' got NOTHING on you!)
(If you don't understand that reference then I cant talk to you anymore.)

(Thats right! He has the Batcycle also)
(Poor Robin, look at that tiny little Whimpy side car)

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(This was on the hood)
(Perhaps it makes it more aerodynamic)
(OR its the First Intake system ever made.)
(YES, I know what an intake system is.)

(If you spoke Dutch you could read this)
(It says "Back to the Future 3")
(Yes I speak Dutch)
(Not really)

(This picture was taken in 2 seconds while the "tour guide" slipped away real quick.)
(I think that if they see this picture Chris MIGHT be arrested)
(There were about FIFTY THOUSAND signs saying "KEEP OFF and DO NOT TOUCH")
(Hes obv a rebel. A rebel with NO cause what-so-ever)

All in all it was an interesting trip. Im sure If I had been born a man it would have been MUCH more exciting for me (Don't all you feminists get your panties up in a bunch. It just a fact. The MAJORITY of women are just NOT as interested in cars as men. Deal with it. Maybe If I had been allowed to sit in them or play with them I might think differently about it.)

Random Pic Of The Day: Well We finally found some porn. . . 
(Come on Beggars cant be choosers!)
(And yes it was hidden in the Mens bathroom)
(And yes I went in there to take the picture.)

Well thats enough of that.
Tonight there is a comedy show at the Restaurant and we will be 'cocktailing'
This should be interesting.
Wish me luck and wealth!!

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