Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PART II : : :

                 I didn't name my blog.
               I didn't name my blog because I told you what was on it last night.
                    And your should ALL be reading them.
                    So there.

   Fun Fact of the Day : : : The rudest thing that someone can do is refer to you as "Hey You"
                                              especially when they know your name.
                                           Learn some manners. Bitch.

          Moving ON........
  Day Two of the Boat trip...
             (Just in case you didn't read it.)

(Only in the Caribbean will you find a crashed jeep just sitting at
the beach, with no one making any attempt to move it.)
(Well good for me anyway!)

( )

(At least it has an ocean front view!)

( )

(The "Driveway")

(This is Gizmo. Or Gizzy.)
(She's 100% blind. AND the cutest thing ever.)

                    (This is what you catch when you pay attention to other peoples conversations.)
                                                   (Thanks Diana and Michelle for noticing!)

(This is what I imagine the night sky would look like if the moon was as bright as the sun....)

(The picture you think of when you see your daughter walk down the Isle.)

(Thats a Shiny ring!)

(Even upside down she models!)

( )


( )

("The Girls")

(Ohhh theres the 'Swing of Wisdom' again)

(Pre vinegar bath)
(What THAT means is that Chris ACCIDENTLY played "Up High" right over a
Jellyfish Larva infested patch of Seaweed, which sent the girls running to 
a 'Vinegar Bath')
(Get it?)

(Yep, she went running also.)
BUT they had a BLAST doing it!!

(Love it)

(This is................crap I cant remember what they call it.)
(But I know it has 'standing' and 'sitting' options.)
(We called it motorboat)
(I can see why they renamed it)

(This is the most interesting Jellyfish I've seen thus far.)

(These were built so that if Superman ever went on vacation he'd have somewhere
to change if he needed to save the day real fast!)

PUPP : : :
( )

( )

( )

( )

                                             : : : PHOTO SHOOT : : :
(M and D)

(M and S)
(Notice my "Pose")
(Thats what happens when you take too many pics of ppl.)

(Um Shoulder Bunny Ears are ACCEPTABLE for 'smaller people')

                        : : : This is what happens when two none models pose for "Sexy" : : :
                                      (These are just for fun...)
(The Flamingo and the Exercise Instructor)

(Whose coming to the HOE-Down with me?)
(Yee Haw!)
(Hows that finger taste D?)

(This one was supposed to say "Oooh were naughty"....)

(This is what happens AFTER we try and say "Ooooh were naughty.")

(Now this actually IS naughty)

(Love it)

(Kristen, I know this wasn't exactly what you were looking for, but until we
meet up.....heres your family portrait!) 

( )

                                   : : : WaterColors : : :
(This is my favorite)
(Theres just something about Purple water...)

("Red sky at night.....")

( )

                                      Well that has concluded my pictures from the boat...
         BUT do NOT fret my pets....Tomorrow is Pumpkin Carving AND MOVING Day,
        (Thank God were finally out of TI!!) And Friday is HALLOWEEN, and I will be shooing
                the Margaritaville "Yelloween Party" !!! So there will be LOTS and LOTS of PICS!!
                                              (I can almost FEEL your excitement!!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to the Beginning...Part I

Back to the Beginning!!
Oh. You want me to explain.
One of the first 'trips' we took was on Chip and Michelle's boat.
Its where I took my first favorite "Cayman Picture."
And then I went on a little hiatus...but now Im Back!
(To the beginning...)

Fact of the Day: I learned some VERY interesting facts today.
(Some of them I cant post...sorry)
BUT one I can share is that ....
Even with Three cruise ships, wonderful weather means a slow Restaurant day.
(Hope all you excursionists made some money!!)

Back to the Beginning:
(I actually took this same pic the first time, with different models)
(Yes you will soon see that they should ALL be models)
( ) 

( )

(Look at the chip in here hand!! She doesn't care whats going on as long as her chip is safe!)

(A true man.)
(Men pay attention)

( )

( )

( )

                                The Frog Story : : : :

(Yes, you CAN pet a frog.)

( )

(This frog is commonly known as the "Sandy Frog")
(No, not really.)

(The "Beach Shower")

(I love this one. Love)
(I might do it in black and white tomorrow)

( )

( )

( )

( )

(The Kiss)

(Chris's FAVORITE beach game!)

(ITs soooo bright.)
(But I like it.)

(One tough cookie.)

( )

(Doesn't she look so wise here?? )
(Like she's about to spit out an algorithm?)
(Apparently the Rubix Cube is one big algorithm)
(Its a complicated math problem)
(I discovered that someone I know can solve the Rubix cube in under two minutes.)
(He can even do it with his eyes closed sometimes. I witnessed it. It was very impressive)
(Maybe this should have been my fact of the day.)

(Drawing Jellies)

( )

                               The sequence of a smile : : :

("You cant see me!")

(Another thoughtful one.)
(Apparently this swing is a Wisdom Swing.)
(The Wisdom Swing is a swing found only in four locations over the world. One of them
is on the Cayman Islands. But no one knew where it was located until now!! I have
(OK Not a true story. But it COULD be. ANYTHINGS possible.)
(You Unbelievers)


(Being so carful, so dainty, pinkies up.)

(Screw it)

("What Ice Cream?")

("Ohhhhh THAT Ice Cream!")

( )

                                       RUB - A - DUB DUB : : : :

(  )

(Refill, Refresh, Replace)
(Get it CCF and GLC'rs?)

( )

(More Wisdom on the right)
(Wisdom tub?)


( )

                            THE TRUE BOAT CAPTAINS : : :

( )

(Isa DID NOT want to drive the boat. Smart girl.)

(The DIVA )

(The OTHER Diva)

(Quiet time....)

( sweet )

Well that was part I.
I had taken a TON of pics....525 to be exact. Thank God for Digital.
It was too  many to post all at once. (Not all 525. Only about 100)
So I split them up.
Today was "Children"
Tomorrow is ...Scenic, Pets, Adults alone and With their Children.
(Im obv not going to use that as my blog title. Way to long and boring.)
Now that Im reading that it might be too many pics. I might have to split it AGAIN!!

Ok Tomorrow it IS!