Friday, April 6, 2018

Wednesday and Thursday ......
Not a ton of things happening  but this is what I got....

Another sunrise...
(And a terrible picture...sorry...its just impossible to capture its intensity with my phone)
Just try and use your imagination a little...
A fire emitting from the earth...

So for our first shifts we always always have to walk out into the field and typically the
Ellie are in the farthest spot from us as possible....
Amazingly enough Henning (The amazing maintenance man) came and graciously gave us a lift!

Shungu farted something fierce ...
I tried to be an adult and handle it...
But as you can was too much.
Thank God Ann was there to save my nose.. and my stomach.

Then we had date night !!!!
We dressed up in our best 'Shoveling Elephant Poop' clothes and hit the town!!
(We didn't actually hit the town ... and thats a weird saying btw)
We went to Lookout Deck in Plett.
It was WONDERFUL....right on the water ...great food.. great Ambiance ..
(Service was meh but who cares)

We had planned to be those people and take photos of all of our dishes but this is 
the only one we remembered to do ..  because we were so hungry and engaged in such
wonderful conversation.

And then ....
We saw it.
The thing Ive been looking for since we got here....
A MULLET !!!!!!
And it was a good one...shaved on the sides...short and spiky on top and long long in the back..
(Don't worry I got a better photo)

(This ones for you Jo (Joanne T) (In case theres any other Jos reading this lol)
(This pic still doesn't do it justice obv but it was the best I could do without being a total wierdo and 
asking her to take a pic with me)
(LOL that would have been interesting)

These were our views ....

After dinner we went on a lovely walk on the beach...which was actually a huge sandbar.
By this point it was dark ... but the sand was partially lit up by the houses that lined it..
All was well until....
We started to SINK !!!
Fearing for our lives we stopped short and Immediately ... slowly began to backtrack ...
As you can see (because Im here now writing this) we survived.
But it was a close one.

Then we stopped at the gas station to try and purchase some ice cream for our take away desserts..
And found this interesting gem .....
Grandpas Headache Powder.
Apparently its like a Powered Tylenol.


So this is my Schatzi.
Schatzi means "My treasure' in German.
Anna had told us they don't have any words like "Sweetheart or Honey" and Schatz is what they use as a term of endearment. 
(Schatzi is the cuter version)
Ever since then thats who she's been to me.

Here are some other fun German words that Ive learned 
(DISCLAIMER : there are some curse words coming up)
(Also I can't add the cool double points on top the O because my computer is not German)
(But we just figured out how to change the other ones !! Group Effort !! Thanks Annie)
Hören - To hear
Tschüss - a friendly Goodbye "see you"
Halt Dein Maul - Shut the Fuck Up (grin)
Arschloch - Asshole
Sommersprosse - Freckle
Schlammschlacht - Mud Fight
Schneeflocken - Snowflake
Scheiße - Shit
Win Stück Scheiße - Piece of shit
Regen - Rain

And now you are as immersed in the German language as I am !!!!

Moving on...
This is Sushi. 
(What does Sushi do? She rolls)
(But thats actually how she got her name)

And then into the field ...
(This Photo was taken by : Ann K C)


Orange Mushrooms ...
Just Bright Orange Mushrooms.

The ladies and Kevin and HD (Davidson)
(Being Elephants)

Oh and Ann.

Hey have I ever told you all that Sally is my favorite?
Because she's the Scheiße?
(Thats shit in German...remember?)
(Get your Scheme together)

Just some ladies....

Trunk Snug.

(These new few Photos are by Annie K C)
HD (Davidson)

Aliyah shooting Shungu.
Her love.

Wilfred, Ndyebo, Kuda, Berry, 
(Oh and Tanna ... Me .. Aliyah .. Gemma .. Daisy)

So that was our last day in the Field ....
So sad...
But such a great day.

We have only a few days left.
Tomorrow (Friday) will be our last Boma clean.
Stay tuned .......

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