Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Not a super eventful day but still a good one !!

So... When the Ellies 'eat branches' what they really do it is roll the branch around in
their teeth and scrap all the bark off with their molars ...
Its incredible just how clean they can get it ...

Ive demonstrated below ....

Found another one !!
They usually don't eat the leaves or small attached branches ...
So these completely clean ones are an exciting find !
(Well they are to me anyway...prob Im just being a huge dork)
(Which obv Im totally ok with)

We were in the field early on Monday am ... most of the Ellies were grazing in the Valley
(Which is a sloped tree covered area .. making it very difficult for us to see them)
I was just there trying to do my job until I noticed I was being photographed...
So I gave a little 'finger pose'

And since it was virtually impossible for us to collect our data...
We had to find other ways to pass the time.
This (in case you can't figure it out) was Ann and I recreating the scene from the Lion King
where Rafaki presents Simba to the animal world.
I think we NAILED IT.

This sweet little gem was done by Ann
(So cute)

I don't know if you are aware but we are working closing with Elephants
So heres so photos of that.

(Nandi ... Thandi ... Sally)

Thandi and Sally

And this great beauty is Sally.
She is my favorite.
(I don't know if Ive mentioned this before but If I haven't, be prepared to hear it a thousand more 
times ...and If I have then you already know that you'll hear it a thousand more times because 
Ive already said it a thousand times....)
(Thousand. Just wanted to say it one more time. Or a Thousand.)
(HA !)
Anyway she has no kids of her own ....but she looks after everyone and she's no bullshit.
We're kindred spirits.

Just a side view ..
She's just so Majestic !!!

Just tossing a rock ... no big deal ...
(She's doing this to scratch her back believe it or not)

OK !! 
When our workday was completed we hopped in my sweet rental car and went 
searching for some abandoned houses.
Christina knew of two so we headed out.
This is what happens when you don't realize there are burrs on the plants ....
(oops hahahah)
(She's prob still picking them off)

This isn't the coolest photo but I had to show you how bright this flower was.
It was so bright that my camera couldn't handle it... 
(meaning theres absolutely no detail in the photo)

This guy was cool though.

There was a fire a few months back here ... it ravaged the area and destroyed many houses 
and trees .... 17 people were killed.
They don't know exactly how the fire started but they do know it was caused by man.
(and not to clean the brush ... more likely a careless mistake)

At the last house we visited had some amazing backyard views.

And then. At 9:00pm we decided it would be a great time to try and make some donuts.
(Something we've been craving since we arrived)
So we looked up a recipe ...threw caution to the wind and went for it !!
(Well we attempted to make donut holes because who has time for all that circle shaping)

Step 1.
Make dough.

Step 2.
Heat up some oil to a specific temperature which we couldn't do since we don't have an
oil thermometer.
(We winged it)
The first few were a total flop as the oil was way too hot and the outsides cooked in 4 seconds
and the insides were raw.
(You can tell by Christinas face lol)

But then Beth got into a groove and then ended up being not that bad lol.
She made them bigger ...but the problem was that they weren't sweet enough and really just
tasted like bread AND the cinnamon sugar mix we made to roll them in didn't stick.
But a lot of laughs were had and we still managed to satisfy our cravings.

(Note ... If you see these donut holes on the market DO NOT BUY THEM)
(Beth is trying to steal our idea and open her own donut hole company.)

OK !
Well thats all from Tuesday !!
Today is Wednesday but Ann and I have 'date night' at a lovely restaurant so I don't 
know If Ill be able to post about it.
So Ill be a day behind.
However its supposed to rain and thunderstorm all day so I don't know that Ill
even have all that much to post about so ... well see.

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