Monday, April 2, 2018

SUNDAY and Monday ...
So Ann and I decided to do a little Easter Egg hunt for the girls...
I showered as she filled the eggs...and kept commenting on how each thing we
purchased tasted...... So I was slightly worried none of it was going to make it into the eggs

 Ann made the most amazing pancakes ever. She should get an award. Then I made Ann run around the house for an Easter scavenger hunt because I am the shit. 
(Ann wrote this)
(She was amazing and uploaded these pics for me while I was doing my PM BOMA obvs)

And then we had a beach day !!
We went to Nature Valley in Plett 
(Plettenberg Bay)
It was a beautiful sunny day with a nice breeze and perfect scenery.

These are tracks left by Sea Slugs.
(Which you will see shortly)

(I used caps to make it dramatic...I hope I was successful)
Those are the sea slugs which Ann told us have a radar that sniffs out dead flesh..
And it appears that she is Correct !!
(Oh whats that you say? It doesn't really look that big you say? You question my dramaticness?)
(I know thats not a word but I don't care)

Well BAM!!!!
I put my cute little feet in there for a reference.
You're welcome.
(Also Im never dramatic so ..... )

We walked along the beach for over an hour .. heading towards some tide pools where we were
told wed find some starfish...
This is what we saw along the way...

(Um those are muscles. Duh)

Thats a Tanna.

These are Tannas hands ... and her forehead.
(I promised to give her 'Model Cred')

Cutie Ann looking for cool stuff...

Tanna Again !!

Tanna and Beth attempting to take a photo of the cool Starfish that Ann found for us
(Where Beth discovered for the first time that her Waterproof case was .. in fact..waterproof)
(For the most part)

Friends let friends have a towel corner to prevent sunburn.

The Crew....

After we got home Ann and I immediately went out into the field to play with tourist with the
The weather and the lighting was absolutely PERFECT ....


On our way to BOMA Cleanup we were greeted by this amazing Sunrise.
Ill tell you one thing for sure ... the skies here are ALWAYS incredible....

I am going to send this picture to Ann because this is going to be her tattoo. 
(Ann wrote this as well)
(But its true ... I am going to send it to her)

Just some shots of the ladies getting shit done.
(In case you couldn't figure it out on your own.)
(And if thats the case then.............)

Aliyah ...

(See what Im saying about the sky ???!!!!)

When you get a freak rain storm and have to run and take cover under a Barrier ...

And last but not least ....
Just a cutie little Ellie moseying along ....

Thats all for now!!
Im all caught up !!

See you tomorrow!!! 

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