Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Orchid Festival

The Orchid Festival was held last, last week at The Botanic Park
So naturally we went for a little road trip to see it...
This is no particular order..
(Well it is actually in some Particular Order..)
(The one my Blog decided on)
Lets Go !!

(This was taken at the 'Shoe Tree')
(Good thing they make flip-flops like this)
(Just in case you forget which shoe goes on which foot)

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( Love my Macro Lens )

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(They almost look like sugar....)

( Iguana )

(Chels BEING an Iguana )

( Spiny leaf-plant-tree thing )

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('What is it' you ask?)
(I have NO idea)
(We think it was once a nest of some sort...)
(It sounded hollow when we tapped it..)
(And the texture was paper-like)

(Legs for Days...)


(Looks like she's going to fall backwards into the water doesn't it?)
(Well she did NOT)
(Kinda impressive actually...)

(Damn Tourists....)

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(My very first Parrot Sighting!!)

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( Flower Lily )
(Thats what they're called right?)

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( I wish THIS was MY backyard )

( I like this one...)
( Don't tell them I took it...)
(I did it while they weren't looking)

( YEAH !! )

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          This is a SNAKE NOT be alarmed.....(Kim )

(Not so bad !)

( Theres your bench ladies)

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(I came upon this house...which seemed to be locked in time...)

(As were its occupants...)

(Still kinda serious....)

(Much better !!)

(My new house...)

(Told you so)

(Ancient gardening tools)

(THIS is the Patriarchy...)
(Thats for you Hannah...if you even read this Blog...)
(If you don't your missing out!!)

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I know this Blog was slightly off----
Because the Pics weren't organized ...
But I wanted you to SEE firsthand how annoying
it is for me to have to move everything around...
WHY cant they upload in the order I tell them too?
Ok Im done complaining..

As one of our greatest Governors once said : : 
"Hasta La Vista Baby..."
(I think its so crazy that someone whose famous for saying something like that was a Governor..)
(Or is that just me?)

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