Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ninjas Mini Blog

The Mini Blog...
Authors Note :: ALL of these pictures were taken by the Ninja.....
In Cayman Brac...
(If she allows me to I will reveal her name to you..)
(So you can see the rest of her amazing pictures)

(In case you don't know...capturing a butterfly on camera is very tricky)
(The Ninja has amazing timing...)
(I didn't know that butterflies 'bodies' were hairy/fuzzy)
(Am I the only one?)

( I swear this wasn't picture wasn't edited..)
(I told you already...)
(She has sick timing)
(And I can float mid air..)
(So that helped...)

( The Ninja was kind enough to photograph me in her cottage)
(She's taking a risk letting us in to her personal life)
(So please don't tell anyone about this picture)

(Because if you DO....)
(This is what will happen to you)

(The Ninja ALSO shoots the...)
(......not so pleasant stuff....)
(I think this was a ...)
(Duck? )

(Sometimes I like to just...)
(Hang around..)
(How strange does my hair look)
(Maybe I should audition for "Jersey Shore")
(.....No. Not really)

( In Cayman...People use boats as planters)
(Or lawn ornaments)

( What? )
(Sometimes you just need to sit down on your office chair and read the paper...)
(Totally normal in the Brac)

(Thats how I imagine the yell that Tarzan cries would be spelt)

(Ahhhh this house...)
(Well this house has a story)
(It all began with two curious Photographers...who saw an abandoned house)
(For whatever reason they decided to not climb those tempting steps...)
(They walked instead to that "garage" looking area...to start their shoot..)
(But stopped dead in their tracks as they noticed...at almost the same instant...)
(.....That there was a desk lamp sitting on a 'work' table..)
(And it was ON !)
(So they proceeded to 'Run like Hell' back to the car and pealed out..)
(And thanked their lucky stars that they weren't hacked into a million pieces)
(The End)

(I just love this one)
(I wish I had taken it!)

(  )

(Thats right...)
(Don't be jealous)

(Our flight back was delayed a half an hour)
(After we had already been sitting at the airport for an hour)
(So I took a little nap)
(My ticket sure did come in handy...)

( The ticket was clever yes.. )
(But the Bandana / sunglass combo was Perfection)
witnessing a violent crime or a public disturbance when they SHOULD be...>

( I think this is a good depiction of how I felt having to get back on the plane )
(I should be an actress...)
(Just Kidding)

K...Mini Blog...Done
Jello Wrestling...Flowers and Guitars to come....


  1. I don't see NIKON ROCKS anywhere on your mini blog :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. and yes, go ahead and put my website up ....so we can go to jail together for breaking and entering for the "secret garden" photo shoot :-)
