Friday, March 4, 2011


Finally....I got a chance to get off of the Island..
The Ninja and I took a trip to Cayman Brac...
One of Grand Caymans sister Islands...
(I of course took a lot of pics so this will be Part First)

(THIS is the MINI plane that I had to get into...)
(And sit with Half a cheek on a seat bc the large and inconsiderate person next to me
 never bought the Two tickets that he was required to.)
(The Ninja ALSO only had half a seat)
(Which for a 45 minute plane ride with barely an isle is TERRIBLY Uncomfortable) 

( )

( Love )

(Thats the wing)
(All of it...)

(Now THIS is a what I call a Dashboard!!)

(And this is the landing gear)
(Yes I Also thought there should be a little more to it)
(Since it IS the thing that keeps us from eating pavement)
(But hey...What do I know?)


( A birds eye view)
(Little Cayman)

(  )

(I know you cant see it but the first walkway sign says "Arrivals")
(The one 7 steps to the left says "Departures")
(HUGE Airport)

(I stood looking for the 'flusher' for about a minute.)
(Then I found it)
(HINT :: that random pipe to the right with a foot pedal on it)

(To the right of this fence is the "Runway")
(I have NEVER been able to get this close to one before)
(Decided to document it)

(The Ninja in her 'Cottage')
(Hey don't judge...)
(Ninjas usually live somewhere you'd never expect them to)
(Thats why there called NINJAS)

(  )

(They also like to take pics while swinging)
(I dont know)
(But a piece of advice...)
(NEVER question a Ninja!)

(duh AGAIN)

( How often do you get to see the same thing two different ways at the same time?)
(Not often I gather)
(your welcome)

( A Honda Logo)
(Yeah I have no idea....)
(BUT it did have a CASSETTE deck in it)
(AND Japanesse radio stations)
(So thats good)

(  )

(  )

(Sand Grave ??)
(I wouldn't mind that)
(Not one bit!)

(  )

           Brokedown Palace : :                    Thats not actually its name...(its the name of an
                                                                 Excellent movie) ....BUT it IS Broken Down and it was once
                                                                    a Dive Hotel 'Palace'  (Dive hotel as in for Divers, not a 
                                                                            rundown POS) Which is actually what it is now...
(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(This place seemed like it was amazing at one time)
(Damn insurance companies)


(If the fallen down tree wasn't the only thing keeping those stairs up...)
(Id be In Like Flint !!!)

(Not MY Dream Boat..)
(But we all have different dreams now don't we...)

(A barren wasteland)
(That FYI if you try to step on you'll most likely lose a shoe..)

          Rebeccas Cave : :                                              Sad.....
(  )

(I think this is her actual Grave)

(  )

The 'Birdwalk' ::  That lead to nowhere....
(  )

(Cactus in Cayman?)
(Seeing is Believing folks!)

(  )

(  )

(  )

               The Bat Cave : : :                                             (Even though I did not see any bats)
(  )

(  )

 (  )

(I did see a Ninja though !!)

 ( I like to think of this as a hole for many tiny dwarfs to slide down into.)
(And they use the vines like a Firemens pole)
(Fireman pole? Firemans pole? Firemen pole?)
(Just let me believe....)

(KIPP !!!)
(What are the chances?)
(You must have a cousin Kiki)
(Sorry about that by the way..)
(Oooooo...maybe that means your part Caymanian!!)
(And then you can bail me out of jail !!)

(  )

(  )

(  )

Stay Tuned for Part Second!!!

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