Saturday, March 5, 2011

BROOKLYN's First Shoot !

<Authors Note: Cayman Brac 2 will be postponed until I am waiting on some Ninja Pictures)
(My sincerest apologies)

Im sure you all remember that I am a Godmother....
To my cute Nephew(ish) Miles Doerle..
What you probably DONT know is that Im a Godmother to another couples son..
Kristin and Chelsea...

I would like to Officially introduce to the World..
Brooklyn George Sweet-Kipp 
(Not sure which one you two decided on...)


(Love this one)

                The Box : :                                                            Ahhh the Box...
                                                  Well the box.. is what is more commonly know as a "Cat Carrier"
                                             What they didn't know when they bought it was that it was NOT
                                                         " Brooklyn Proof... "
(Notice the large "chewed" hole)
(Keep your eyes on it...)

(Ta Da !!)
(Perfect size for a Brooklyn !)

(Look at that little tongue)
(You will be seeing a lot of it)

(AH HA!)
(Caught him in action!)

(Here we get an up-close and personal glimpse of inter-specie communication)
(Natural Geographic's got NOTHING on me!!)

                     Scene Two ::  The Bed ::  Acrobatic Cat :: 
(Of course)

(I like to call this one)
("Flying Tail, Hidden Leg")

(Stalking his prey...)
(Which if your wondering was a variety of the following objects - )
(A pink bra ... a sock with a yellow stitch ... a mini ball with a bell inside tied to a shirt strap)
(You know the usual things)

(Super CAT!)
(Nice form....!!)
(Even kept his toes pointed)

(Reach for the stars !!)
(This should be an add for something)
(Something random like Viagra or Window Blinds)

(I have no words...)

(  )

(Thats some serious air he caught !!)

( Dancing )

(I used a new effect on photoshop)
(Its called ... yeah I don't remember)
(But it makes it look like the picture is laid over concrete...)

(If you don't know whats going on here Ill fill you in)
(Brooklyn is doing "The Duggie")
(Its a dance...)
(Come on even I know what it is...)
(And Im old!)

(  )

(  )

(There it is again)

(  )

(I know its wrong...)
(But when he jumps and falls off the bed..)
(Its hysterical)

(I know your laughing...)
(Its ok...I wont tell..)

(And Again!!)
(The fact that he doesn't learn is also amusing...)
(Relax Animal Rights Activists ...)
(No animals were hurt in this shoot...)

( Here he was stalking my camera strap)
(No Bueno)

(He even helps with the laundry)

                                 The Dress-Up Portion : :        Which he was extremely cooperative for...
(Brooklyn and Dad....Pimpin it)

(Aunt Jemima)
(It was supposed to be a gangster shot...)
(But the bandana was too big...)

(A Cowboy)

(In true Cayman fashion)
(Tongue again!)

(  )

(  )

(  )

(Get IT !!)

(Got it)

(This one is my fav...or one of them)

(Family Skype Date)

                               Worn Out : :                           No matter....I kept shooting anyway
(  )
(The beginning of the end of 'Awake')

( Yep...its over )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

(  )

( Smart Cat )
(One after my own heart)

(Last but not Least)
(This effect makes it look like canvas)
(Im enjoying these new options..)
(Thanks Dad!)

Thats it...
Shoots over..
Time to let go and click off my blog...
Don't worry Ill have something new up soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Yo, Brooklyn stop stealing my ninja moves.....
    Very Very cute, love the dressed up pictures... I love the soft light (did you use a flash diffuser?)
